We are having lots of EW at the moment. This has been going on for months but is getting earlier & earlier especially with the clock change recently.
This is the routine
4.30am wake ( used to be somewhere between 5-5.30 before the clock change) will not resettle, wakes happy & chatting
Nap 11-11.30 ( used to be anywhere between 11-12 usually nearer 12 before clock change) lasts anywhere from 1-2 hrs
Bedtime starts at 6.30 with bath/story/milk & aim to be asleep by 7-7.30. Usually asleep by 7.30.
I'm not sure what to do to improve things. He is probe to OT but usually before his nap. After his nap, even if its short he copes well thill bedtime. Is the nap too early, could this be the cause? Should I try really capping the nap? If so, to how much? I've also tried a later bt but it makes no difference to WU.
Would really appreciate some guidance