Author Topic: Habitual wake ups with 9mo  (Read 587 times)

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Habitual wake ups with 9mo
« on: October 30, 2015, 14:29:28 pm »
I'm sorry if there is a thread on here already answering my questions I just can't get even a moment to look at all of them since my lo is so fussy. He's a 9month old spirited boy. Loves to play but will not sit still to eat or even get his diaper changed. He was a snacker and not on a routine till 3 days ago. I read most of the baby whisperer book and put him on a EASY routine. I stopped feeding him at night except for a dreamfeed. I know he's too old for one but just wanted to make sure he would make it through the entire night without being hungry. He takes 2 naps a day the first one is 1.25-1.5 hours and the afternoon is only about 35-45 minutes. Our wind down routine is at 6:15 after dinner and consists of a bath, diaper, lotion, PJs, bottle, white noise and then bedtime at 7-730. Dreamfeed at 10. He is waking up so many times a night I can't even keep track. Husband is sleeping upstairs because it's so bad.  I only started this three days and three nights ago but there is NO improvement whatsoever at night and now on the third day he's too tired from the lack of sleep. He's extremely fussy, doesn't want solids and just wants to be held. Again only 3 days but shouldn't I see some kind of improvement? Do I keep not feeding him at night even though he's losing so much sleep? Before  I would give him 4oz bottle and he would instantly go back to sleep but he's getting enough ounces during the day plus solids so he shouldn't be hungry. Help!

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Re: Habitual wake ups with 9mo
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2015, 08:13:50 am »
Hello and welcome to BW forums :)

Can you give a little more information please?
Was he waking frequently at night before you began EASY?  Did you feed at each night wake?  And did he fall to sleep ont he bottle? (can I check too is it formula or breast milk in the bottle?)
Any sign of teething at the moment?
Can you post your EASY times to show us your entire day, and include the NW times too. If you don't know the times you can observe for a day/night and then post when you know.  It's helpful to have it in a format like this:
WU 7.00
E 7.10 milk
E 8.00 solids
A 3hr
S 10 - 11.30
A on right through the day

What is the nap wind down like? Does he feed to sleep for naps or do you have another soothing method to help him?

We can likely help by looking over the routine and seeing if anything could do with altering but also, when you change things baby is likely to be frustrated by the change, that's normal.  The good news though is that you have probably already been through the worst of it.  Those first 3 days are likely the worst.  Often things will imp-rove a couple of days and then you might see a 'regression' for another couple of days, almost like a final attempt to see if you will revert to feeding all night or taking to your bed, or doing whatever it was that baby was previously accustomed to.

There are also lots of mums of spirited LOs here you might like to share experiences with :)