Author Topic: Easy for 630 wake up 7 months  (Read 1534 times)

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Offline Aking

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Easy for 630 wake up 7 months
« on: October 28, 2015, 14:07:45 pm »
Hi. I read that as of 7 months babies should drop the cat nap. But I'm wondering how to do that when my son wakes at 630. Can you provide me with an easy schedule for this?
Usually he sleeps 1.5 hour naps but if I had a day like:
E 630
A 830
S 830-10

E 1030
A 10-1230 (maxed out on awake time)

E 230
A 230-430,

I still have to put him for a cat nap as he will never make it to a 7pm bedtime.


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Re: Easy for 630 wake up 7 months
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2015, 14:17:43 pm »
If your son is having 3 naps (two longer and one catnap), is happy and sleeping through the night don't rush to change anything. Babies usually drop the catnap but mainly because their A need a jump from 2h (which you now have) to 2.5-3.5. Schedule for 7mo could look like:
- nap at 9:00 till 10:30
- nap at 13:30 till 15:30
- BT at 7pm

Offline Aking

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Re: Easy for 630 wake up 7 months
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2015, 04:59:26 am »
Thank you.
Yes the issue is that his cat nap was getting too late  he would cat nap 530-6 most often and then would go back to bed for 730/8.
He is ... Not really sleeping through the night. I still feed him before bed AND he will wakes around 2/3ish. I feed him then but yes I think I will have to cut that. Plus he uses a soother and I will have to cut that too. I think the pick up put down is too much for him and actually I don't really see how that is helping relax him.
So we will have to do some sort of sleep training but I def wanted to get his routine set before we do. Today I did two naps and he did quite well although he was late for his second because I had to get my eldest son out as he was in all morning while baby napped. Sooo he did this today
A 630
Napped 9-1045
Then napped again at 230-330 but stayed quietly awake in bed until 4
Then bed at 7 but by then he was sooo tired and rubbing his eyes and falling to sleep feeding.

Just can't seem to get it right and it's difficult with a toddler.

Thanks for the advice

Offline Aking

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Re: Easy for 630 wake up 7 months
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2015, 03:20:49 am »
So how do I go Bout dropping the dream feed and the two am feed?  Cold turkey? I don't think he needs it so the plan is for my husband to settl
Him when he wakes in the middle of the night and I'll still feed when he wakes at 10-11ish.

I think he would go without the feeds but I have no idea. He eats like he's hungry!

I'm dropping the cat nap but he's very tired by bedtime and rubbing eyes. Tonight I put him to bed at 630pm but I'm afraid he's now going to wake at 5am

I'm dying for him to sleep through the night now as I'm wiped. I have done every feed and every wake up minus a few on my own and I'm looking after a toddler all day.... It's just starting to wear on me now and I'm not sure how to go about it all.

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Re: Easy for 630 wake up 7 months
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2015, 13:21:27 pm »
((Hugs)) you do sound exhausted :-* Tbh I wouldn't worry about BT being on the late side, you may just find that he does better on that with three naps whilst his A times are shorter, and as they extend he'll be more ready to drop that last CN. Also I'm thinking about the night feeds - if you feel that he's actually hungry then I'd be wanting to try to get more/longer feeds into the daytime. What's his feeding routine like during the day? IMO if he's having three naps and therefore a slightly longer day, you have more time to get those feeds in, what do you think? I'd tend to agree that you may as well continue to feed him before you go to bed, it's pretty common to be still having the dream feed at this age, and some will still need the two night feeds, but as I said, see if you can get him to feed more during the day. Would he take a bottle during the 2am feed from your DH? And perhaps offer him gradually less over time? Or as you say, just try going cold turkey, but he may have a rough night then if he was really hungry...