Author Topic: 10 week preemie (corrected age 3 weeks) trying to work out a schedule  (Read 1329 times)

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Offline Lollipop86

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I'm posting here since I have a preemie of the same age. :)

I've searched the forum and found out it's best to base the EASY on her adjusted age - therefore 3 weeks. We haven't had an actual schedule yet. Just going with the flow. And she is on a 3-3,5 hour schedule, sometimes 5 hour sleep at night. She is completely breastfed. But during the day she has some trouble sleeping. I don't know if it's just that she needs closeness (she falls back to sleep if I take her back in my arms) or that she needs more A time... Usually I change her diaper, BF her, burp her than BF her again if she wants and than usually looks around for a few minutes and falls asleep in my arms. When I put her down sometimes she keeps sleeping and sometimes she starts crying. Usually after a few minutes. Also she spits up milk a lot. Maybe it's because of that.
So anyway - should I make any changes or go with the flow as I did until now?
Unus, sed leo!

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Re: 10 week preemie (corrected age 3 weeks) trying to work out a schedule
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2015, 18:35:15 pm »
I would continue what you do now which is going with the flow but still you are trying to do easy. That's really fine Honey!