Hey Cath thanks for the support! The last 2 nights have been much better

Monday night was only 2 very short nw and last night was 1 at 10pm and back to being easy to resettle. The ew are back but don't think this will change until I can get a later bedtime.
We tried pushing her bedtime later about a month ago but got lots of ot blips early on in the evening. We do ebt on Monday an Tuesday as her nap is usually 30 mins or less at the childminders. Tonight as she is home with me I will aim for 6:30 an see what we get. Am pretty sure we are over the worst of her tooth pain and the long nw are more developmental as she doesn't ask for pamol or gel anymore.
I also haven't had a 2 hour nap for a few weeks now (I think). We are only getting between 75-95 minutes which usually means she is up around 1pm. Not sure which A time to tweak at the mo as she is so tired come 11:30 we have had a few close calls with her nodding off in the highchair at lunch

same with evening tbh. Hubby does her story and has gotten really good at spotting when she is starting to lose it. I breastfeed before sleep and have to work hard most nights to keep her awake for a good feed.
Think I'm getting better at getting on top of her ot quicker so it doesn't impact later into the week but with the last 6 weeks or so am feeling pretty wrecked myself that the thought of tackling a tweak fills me with dread!!