Author Topic: 10 wk old - help with EASY - efficient eater  (Read 2325 times)

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Offline mimi1981

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10 wk old - help with EASY - efficient eater
« on: November 10, 2015, 17:35:11 pm »
Hi all,

I'm all new to this and have recently posted in the naps section as i'm struggling with my baby's naps..

However I was wondering if you could propose an EASY routine for me - my daughter is 10wks on Thursday (in 2 days) and is a very efficient eater which throws the 3hr EASY off - she feeds for roughly 10mins - maximum! (she is gaining weight fine and has the right number of wet and BM nappies).

Any suggestions would be really appreciated

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Re: 10 wk old - help with EASY - efficient eater
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2015, 21:58:41 pm »
Can you please explain Honey where is the problem? Is she waking early from the naps and you think it is because of hunger? 10min I totally fine at almost 3 weeks for a feed.

Offline mimi1981

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Re: 10 wk old - help with EASY - efficient eater
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2015, 13:27:27 pm »

Thank you for your reply - my 2 concerns are that she only feeds for 10mins and she naps for exactly 30minutes (have been reading on how to extend this in the other forums and yesterday got 45mins with white noise - pretty loud). The problem is with short naps and the quick feeds i find it difficult to follow the EASY routine,.Any suggestions? At her age how much day time sleep should i be aiming for?

Many thanks

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Re: 10 wk old - help with EASY - efficient eater
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2015, 08:34:47 am »
Ok Honey. So 10min feed at almost 3 months old can really be enough to eat a lot. If her naps afterwards are short there are two possible reasons:
- she is OT or UT - so you have to adjust her A time to more age-appropriate
- she is used to eating every 1.5h and you have to slowly separate her feeds to get her used to more 3h if possible.

Do you have any open thread elsewhere here so I could join and help or is it the only one:)?

Offline mimi1981

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Re: 10 wk old - help with EASY - efficient eater
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2015, 08:18:53 am »
Thanks very much for your help and advice. My other thread is here and i'll post all my questions here for you to make it easier

10 wk old - help with EASY - efficient eater

I'll group my concerns in Day & Night

Day time:

My little one only sleeps 30minute stretches since 2 months - almost like a switch turned. She is capable of doing longer stretches - i managed 1.5hrs in the pram but with 2 wakings however i continued to rock her and she re-settled.

i tend to feed her every 2.30-3hrs so that part of my EASY is consistent however I;m a bit confused about the naps - if she wakes from her 30min nap do i try to resettle her and if so for how long? Or do I start counting new A time?

I'm aiming for 1hr 15 A time. If there are no sleepy cues do i try longer?

As she eats quickly could you recommend an EASY routine for us? as i'm worried she may get too much day sleep? Currently I do a combination of trying to resettle and more A time until the next feed. I think she also gets hungrier as she is awake more.

Night time

We put her down 7-7.30 with a bath routine and she wakes once or so for a dummy (we also use white noise) and then we do a dream feed at 10.45pm.

After this she is up a few times and i need to give her the dummy and put teh white noise on until she is properly awake at 4-4.30ish and hungry. I noticed last night that its in roughly 45-1hr cycles hat i need to give her the dummy or restart the white noise machine (has a 45min timer)  - i'm basically worried that i have started accidental parenting and she will reply on the dummy to get through her sleep transitions at night too?

My 2nd question on the night time is from 5am when i resettled her she grunts and moans and is just very miserable and wakes every 20-40minutes until 7/7.30am when she wakes up - generally happy and ready for a feed.

I'd appreciate any advice and any suggestions for an EASY or how to extend the dreaded 30min nap cycles

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Re: 10 wk old - help with EASY - efficient eater
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2015, 21:58:54 pm »
To help you with routine it would be helpful to see your log for last days? Could you post it?

Offline mimi1981

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Re: 10 wk old - help with EASY - efficient eater
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2015, 12:15:33 pm »
here it is:
The first bit works well. and so does my evening - the rest of the day is a disaster
6.30-7 -Wake up
7 - E
7-8 - A generally changing nappy a bit of tummy time and playing
8 - S - goes down easily for 30mins or just under and then is wide awake

the problem starts here i try to settle her and get her to go back down - if she does not i aim for 1.20hr awake time and try to settle her.

i then aim to feed her every 3hrs. But as she is so active she gets grumpy at about 2.5hrs.

as the day progresses i keep trying to get her down every 1.0-1,20hr but her naps even get shorter - 10mins.

then in the evening

6pm - E
6.15 - bath
6.30 -7pm - settle in bed

Dream feed at 11pm

NW - 3am- 4am
and then up 6.30-7am

I'm hoping for some advice on how to structure my day and get her to get a bit more rest.

we were out in the pram yesterday and she wakes after 30mins but 5/10mins later drifts off again for a bit longer so just seems to get more rest that way

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: 10 wk old - help with EASY - efficient eater
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2015, 09:05:28 am »
Yes - so for 3 months I would definitely say 1:15 is little. We were on 1:45-2:15  at that age LOL but F is slightly low sleep needs. I still would go for at least 1:30 or being honest sometimes even more so 1:45. It would start increasing A from the morning after night and do it by 15min every 2-3 days. No sleepy cues can be a message to you, but at this age sometimes it can also be misleading and when you see the sleepy cues, it's already too late.