Author Topic: Having trouble with solids and 6 month old!  (Read 1790 times)

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Having trouble with solids and 6 month old!
« on: October 25, 2015, 23:35:04 pm »

My DD turned 6 months last week- we have been interested in doing BLW and introduced some foods to her a few weeks ago- banana, cucumber, avocado.  She initially enjoyed kind of playing around and maybe even bringing some to her mouth but never swallowed anything.  Then recently, she swallowed a piece of banana or avocado and FREAKED OUT.  Screaming crying, fighting against the highchair straps, had to get out ASAP.  Since then, she has not been interested in foods at all, and rather hates being in her high chair.  I've tried her on my lap, etc but with very limited success.  We took a break from foods and tried again- still upset.  We tried purees, some mashed, etc, and nothing.  She cries every time!  Now I'm worried she's not getting enough iron, etc and she's hungry more frequently- I didn't think it would be this hard!  I'm thinking of getting one of those floor seats with a tray to see if she prefers that (she is small so she can't reach the top of the high chair tray as well as I would like...)

Does anyone have a similar experience? Should I stick with BLW or try pureed some more?  Should I offer multiple times a day?


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Re: Having trouble with solids and 6 month old!
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2015, 02:06:04 am »
I haven't had a similar experience but I think you were right to back off for a while and then try different textures. When are you offering food currently? How long has it been since she nursed or had a bottle? I think offering a few times a day might be worth a try. I would also just sit her at the table with your family while you eat so she sees what meals are all about. If she seems interested, I would offer her some of what you are eating.
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Re: Having trouble with solids and 6 month old!
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2015, 07:28:49 am »
I'd back right off. Not sure what happened when she freaked out, doesn't sound like anything dangerous like a choke, but perhaps she swallowed a piece which was a bit too big so it was an unpleasant experience going down.
I would just stick to her milk times, increase if she is draining bottles and wait for her to indicate an interest.  As she is so young there is no worry about her calorie intake, and no hurry to eat solids properly, she is getting everything she needs from her milk.  If she sees you eating and enjoying your food then in time she will show an interest and ask for some.
If you wait a few weeks her memory of her bad experience may have faded so she can start again more confidently.

FWIW purée portions at this age would be something like a couple of teaspoons once per day, it really is not a large amount and wouldn't be adding to her calorie or iron intake in a significant way anyway.

It must be worrying for you too though to have had that experience. I'm sure in a few weeks things will look differently. This is unlikely to effect her entire weaning journey. x

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Re: Having trouble with solids and 6 month old!
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2015, 13:38:41 pm »
It was me who suggested LO is hungry and I still would consider that as a reason for increased NW if no solids were introduced. And knowing that, if you want your daughter to continue with blw it's totally fine - just be prepared that until she is more eager to eat solids you may need to increase number of feeds or go back to some NFs and there is definitely a growth spurt around 6mo.