Author Topic: Is it the right time to sleep train?  (Read 1926 times)

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Is it the right time to sleep train?
« on: November 17, 2015, 06:43:32 am »
Hi Everyone,

I've had various posts over the past months and have received some great advice and support.  Am at a point now where I think I need to make a decision with regard to my lo sleep.  My lo is 18 months and prior to starting daycare at 13.5 months was an independent great sleeper.  My lo was pretty tired after her 2 days in daycare and started to fall asleep feeding.  I never really thought too much about it, sometimes it was only a couple of times a week and the other nights I would pop her down sleepy with no issue.  Her bedtime feed is her only bf.  Anyway the odd night of falling asleep feeding became the norm but as it didn't affect her overall night sleep I haven't done anything about it.

Night sleep has turned pretty yuck.  21/9 saw the first of 7 teeth (4 canines and 3 molars) to give my lo grief and I really struggled to stay on top of her discomfort, especially with the canines.  Day sleep hasn't been too bad, we are getting on average 90 mins with 1 nap at 11:30-12.  Bedtime is now around 6:30.  Day sleep I stay beside the cot with my hand resting lightly on her bottom until she is asleep.  This usually takes between 0-5 minutes.

Some nights my lo will sttn other nights we can have 1 nw others 4.  There really is no pattern except we have them.  Some nights I hear her give a grizzle and will make a bit of noise but then will settle independently.  If not I can go in cuddle over the side of the cot (if she is standing) for a few seconds offer water and she will then lie back down.  I stay with my hand resting lightly on her bottom until she is asleep or if I can remove my hand and sneak out.  This can take anywhere between 5-15 minutes.  Sometimes we can have long nw but these are becoming less and less.  I'm confident I can manage the ew with stretching her bedtime and awake times.

I've tried to move her breastfeed earlier in the night and all that happens is she falls asleep earlier.  I've moved the feed to the lounge, lights on, standing and she either still falls asleep or we have lots (and lots) of crying.  This only seemed to stress her out so I went back to the quiet calm environment where she falls asleep.  When I say asleep, she is generally still actively feeding right up to the end (10 mins each side).  I pop her off, give her a cuddle, pop her in the cot, help her roll onto her tummy and then leave.

I am confident now that we are illness free and the teeth discomfort has reduced considerably!  We only have 1 more molar to come through which can't be as bad as 7!  Do you think I can tackle sleep training to help her to resettle at night if I am still breastfeeding?  Do you think this could be contributing to the nw and her inability to resettle independently.  I read the info on gradual withdrawal which I like the sound of but am mindful that I may need to wean before I can approach this consistently.

Really appreciate your input

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Re: Is it the right time to sleep train?
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2015, 20:55:51 pm »
Hi there, are you looking to want the last BF yet? TBH I don't think NWs are due to it, she isn't asking for a feed right? I do think the that the unsettledness is due to the teeth and you are coming out the other side with a few issues but you seem to be tackling them well and a bit more of what you are doing and you will get more STTNs.

Do you do songs and stories at night? I would juggle her bedtime routine TBH to help her stop that feeding to sleep. Maybe do the feed then songs and stories?

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Re: Is it the right time to sleep train?
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2015, 23:18:12 pm »
Thanks Buntybear, yeah she has never asked for a feed.  Def knows what it is and gets excited when its nearly time but has never sought it.  I tried about 2 months ago to switch her routine and to finish with the book at another bw suggestion but as I mentioned that either led to her falling asleep earlier on the boob or having an epic meltdown post book.  I thought at the time that the book was just to stimulating for her so switched it back.  Maybe it would work now she is a bit older ??

No I'm not ready to wean her, she shows no signs of not wanting to stop and I am happy to be led by her.

So unpredictable at the moment, either really good or really bad there doesn't seem to be any middle ground.  Last night was a good night we had a great stretch 6:30-3am which is nice.  I gave teething gel and it seemed to help but only intermittently.  She was unsettled on and off until 4:15 when I brought her in with me and she went back to sleep till her usual 6:30.

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Re: Is it the right time to sleep train?
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2015, 20:40:40 pm »
I would try a change of BT routine. Maybe feed then bath?