Author Topic: 2-1 Transition - how much APOP'ing ok? Napping on us a lot... nervous!  (Read 5955 times)

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Re: 2-1 Transition - how much APOP'ing ok? Napping on us a lot... nervous!
« Reply #60 on: November 16, 2015, 17:38:30 pm »
oh and the 1-3am Sat night spell.
She was upset and standing. I go in to "time for nite nite" and lay her down.
We did this  - for two hours.
She started talking, laughing, grabbing my hands and pulling them under her belly and rolling around.

I had to leave the room a couple of times to let her know - um, not here to entertain you sweet girl!
She's "very social" and "needs less sleep" according to the pediatrician.
Ack!  She may look like my DH but that's all me I guess :(

I swear I'd love to sleep now!

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 2-1 Transition - how much APOP'ing ok? Napping on us a lot... nervous!
« Reply #61 on: November 16, 2015, 17:58:41 pm »
Oh hun, I do feel your pain. Big ((hugs)).

Yes a 5.30pm BT would completely mess with the set times. It has worked for some as a one off, so thought I'd suggest it. It might not be best for you with family life though.

Ok, I do think she's OT. I'm not sure how to fix it considering she's resistant to apop and EBT is out. That coupled with the teething... Grrrr  >:( . See I'd do a car CN at 9-9.30am for a quick 15misn to get her through to normal set nap time and that usually helped with any OT I though was encroaching. Will she still nap in the stroller if your DH took a walk around that time?

I'd keep BT at the earliest for the set time so 6,30pm if you can for a few days and see if that helps, otherwise I'm not too sure what else to suggest hun, I'm so sorry   :-[ xx

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Re: 2-1 Transition - how much APOP'ing ok? Napping on us a lot... nervous!
« Reply #62 on: November 16, 2015, 18:12:58 pm »
ok, that's what I thought.  At least I know the drill now :)
I know it will all work out.  It's just exhausting in the interim.

She's waaay OT. I just went down to bring the bottle and she's drunk toddling with both hands full of stuff and talking hilariously and falling a lot.  You know.
She just whacked her head and now DH has her cuddled with blankets on the couch with the bottle.  Hopefully he can make it peacefully to the nap in ~20 mins... :(

I think I'll nurse/try to CN her at 4p today (the beauty of working from home!). He was about to walk her in the stroller with the dog around the block to the neighborhood park/playground - our go to nap time extension and OT distraction.  Of course it just started downpouring rain.
Ahh, it's Monday! ;P

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Re: 2-1 Transition - how much APOP'ing ok? Napping on us a lot... nervous!
« Reply #63 on: November 17, 2015, 16:12:09 pm »
so yesterday was weird.
dh got her down ~12:45p and she slept for an hour, a little shorter than her usual, definitely OT.
He brought her out to the couch and she was nuzzling him and he said he just started gently rubbing her head and she passed out on him for another hour :)
so - 2 hour nap!  A weird half apop'd one but hey!

BT was 6:30p and she got up at 8:20p and stayed up, super snotty :( for two hours, with me gently doing the PD in the crib and rubbing her back and wiping her snotty nose :(
plus she had lots o' toots again.

She then slept through until 5:40a! I did the cuddle with her and she didn't fall back asleep but at least stayed calm in the dark until 6:30a nurse.

So for yesterday, what do you call WU with this? 4am, 4:45a, 5:15a, then I got her on me down-ish until 7am
What's the line between NW / EW / WU?
Goal is 6:30a

WU 7a?
12:45a - 2:45p Nap
6:30p BT
8:20p NW

5:40a WU

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 2-1 Transition - how much APOP'ing ok? Napping on us a lot... nervous!
« Reply #64 on: November 17, 2015, 18:44:48 pm »
Ahhh dyt the snotty nose is teething related or a cold coming on?

Yay to the longer nap, she must've needed that. I wonder if we should bring the nap slightly earlier for the next few days so atm it's set for 12.30pm isn't it? Maybe bring it forward to 12.15pm in line with the set nap and BT rules and see if that make a difference?

Those EW/NW's do sound discomfort related hun. It may be the snotty nose waking her whilst she's in light sleep in the early hours. Do you medicate with ibuprofen for teeth? I know you're not keen on things like that but it really does help. Elevating the mattress slightly by placing a couple of towels under it helps too xx

Offline chauncycay

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Re: 2-1 Transition - how much APOP'ing ok? Napping on us a lot... nervous!
« Reply #65 on: November 17, 2015, 19:32:01 pm »
She's never been sick, not even diaper rash really (a tad red and I slather her with zinc cream).
I think the snot is allergy + teething tbh. We're all snotty with allergies right now, ugh.
It's clear and not running until she sleeps. The mattress elevation is a great idea! She had horrible reflux as a baby and we may still have that wedge we put under it... Hmm.
She's all over the crib so it may back fire if she rolls downhill :-)
Yes, we're giving her ibuprofen every night now after dinner /before bath so it kicks in as she's going to sleep. If she wakes after midnight I give her Tylenol or ibuprofen again if she seems like she's chewing her sleep sack.
Ugh. This set of teeth is brutal :( I can just tell she's uncomfy.
She went down at 12:45p and is sleeping now so we'll see how it goes today. If it's her usual 1.15h does that mean OT and bring the nap back 15 minutes?
That's actually long for her track record.
I hate to get too early because she never naps longer than an hour and a half. It just makes the stretch to bedtime too long.

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 2-1 Transition - how much APOP'ing ok? Napping on us a lot... nervous!
« Reply #66 on: November 17, 2015, 19:52:50 pm »
I know, and generally the idea is to push the nap later but tbh it's at a really good set time where it is with a 6.30am wu. Problem is she's not waking at that time  :(. I wonder if it's just worth trying it the once to see? If it doesn't, then fine we know.

I'm unsure if the 1hr 15mins is OT tbh. For some bubbas it is. I never really noticed them with mine. We had 1.5hr, 1hr and the yucky 45mins ones which were all UT for us.

Have you tried her with a pillow yet? Think I introduced one around this time or a bit later. It was such a thin one it probably wouldn't even be considered a pillow but after a few weeks getting used to it, it made her stop rolling all around the crib!! Might be one to try for the canines at 18mo if you're not ready now xx

Offline chauncycay

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Re: 2-1 Transition - how much APOP'ing ok? Napping on us a lot... nervous!
« Reply #67 on: November 17, 2015, 19:58:14 pm »
Yea we know when she's UT it's a losing battle to try to get her to nap!
So I'm sure it's OT or just her rhythm.
Ok, we'll try 12:15 tomorrow.
A pillow!!! Dh keeps asking me about pillows and blankets. He's obsessed with helping her get snuggly :-)
She's got the sleep sack, and a tiny blanket which she never keeps on her if we try to put it over her bum.
I wonder if a tiny pillow would work? That might help with drainage. I'll ask the pediatrician. Good call!

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 2-1 Transition - how much APOP'ing ok? Napping on us a lot... nervous!
« Reply #68 on: November 17, 2015, 20:06:24 pm »
I kept the sleep sack for ages!! It was only a couple of months ago we've switched to a lovely goose down duvet... I'm like your DH then, I'm obsessed with snugly beds!! Even mine is like sleeping on a cloud  ;)

We used this one... It was brilliant. For the first coupes of weeks she didn't sleep on it, I always put her down on it, but she ended up off it  ::). After that, she got used to it and stayed on. the pillow case it comes with is a funny off cream colour and not white. But in any case, it worked for a long time until we switched to the goose down one!

Hth xx
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 20:08:59 pm by Kellyjs »

Offline chauncycay

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Re: 2-1 Transition - how much APOP'ing ok? Napping on us a lot... nervous!
« Reply #69 on: November 22, 2015, 20:00:51 pm »
Ok and before I forget what sleep sacks did you use? That pillow looks perfect. We've got a few foam pillows but they are pretty thick. Right now we have a beach towel, we had it under the fitted sheet, but it made the bump and she kept rolling off of it so we moved it under the mattress for a subtle incline. She's still all over the place :-) now rusty I think about it maybe we just move the towel back to under the sheet to get her used to a ridge and she'll eventually stay on it. Hmm.We'll try that are we get through with this horrible cold.
Ok so she's sick. Not anything too bad just a cold, but she's never been sick so she's a mess once she lays down and the drainage starts. Naps have been ok. Mostly the 1.15h and last two days closer to noon/12:15p since she's been getting up so early :(
Bedtime is getting a tad earlier too to avoid major OT and we've had some cn in the morning sometimes.
Nighttime is all over the map. The doctor cleared us for Benadryl to help dry up her sinuses. We thought woo hoo, sleep!
NOPE! Of course she's one of the kiss that Benadryl makes HYPER!!! :((((
I can't even explain the chaos. Thursday night was the worst. She was up every hour and one 3 hour stretch straight. Total disaster. She was hilariously laughing! & crying and coughing & sneezing.
No benadryl ever again for this girl. Ack.
So Wednesday/Thursday were Benadryl.
Friday I was hallucinating I was so tired at work. Friday she took the old two naps after lots of crying. Then slept through that night except one ~45 minute wake up at midnight.
She got up at 5:30 though.
Saturday up early, nap at noon, 1.15 hour, bt 6:30p. Up at 1:15a....I got her down for ~25 minutes & then she was up crazy talking, standing, doing downward dog antics squealing, etc until 3:45am (I was in and out doing pd, sleep words, silence, hand on back, giving her water, she's so congested, Tylenol, tried everything to keep her in the crib and back to sleep). At 3:45am I gave up and took her to the day bed and let her fall asleep on me partially sitting up to help with drainage. She slept until 7am :-)
So she went down for her nap at 12:15a (She's beat missing that 3 hours in the middle last night, me too!) & @45 minutes dh had to go in and resettle her, but she went back down pretty easily. She's still down...It's almost 2p :-)
Her appetite is coming back today and she seems to feel better. Oddly even being sick she's all smiles and giggles most of the day!
Hopefully we're turning a corner... I can't over think anything while she's sick you know. Just getting through it.
She's got her flower girl gig for brother in law tomorrow so that will be super fun, but a schedule disaster. It's at 4p, but easily 1 hour away + rush hour Monday traffic coming home...We won't be home until 7 at the earliest :(
Who has a wedding on a Monday night?! Ah teachers. They're off for the week. Gah! :-)
Getting through the sickness and the schedule this week. :-)

Offline chauncycay

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Re: 2-1 Transition - how much APOP'ing ok? Napping on us a lot... nervous!
« Reply #70 on: November 30, 2015, 16:09:30 pm »
I am so tired.
We are all sick.

Last Monday - went good actually. Since then it's a blur.  Lots of nurse to extend naps. Lots of sleeping on me after 5am.
Just need to get us all well.

Can't think. :(
Vacation in two weeks! Really just trying to make it through.
We're transitioned to 1 nap now.  I guess I need to start a new thread for nighttime sleep.
She's still up once or twice at night.  The second time is the issue. it's a horrible pattern of up ~midnight for 2-3.5 hours. Every night.
Last night it was 11p, resetttled PD ok quickly.
then 4am.
At 5am I gave up and let her sleep on me until 7a.

Most nights it's 1-3:30a. I finally get her back down (shes not usually super unhappy, just awake and a littl ecranky and coughing/sneezing/snotty) and she'll sleep for another hour or so and then we're up unless I get her to sleep on me in her room.

I'm hoping this is just because we're sick?
I'm hoping I haven't created some kind of habit.  I'm just doing pd, sleep words and wiping her little nose and giving her water in her sippy cup.  I figure she can have a water sippy in her crib in the future, esp. if she's sick.  It helps flush out the gunk. :(

Ms. Kelly, you are our support. Thank you. Very much.

Offline chauncycay

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Re: 2-1 Transition - how much APOP'ing ok? Napping on us a lot... nervous!
« Reply #71 on: November 30, 2015, 16:16:39 pm »
oh and we have had two more 2 hour naps - she's waking at 1h or 1.10h and I'm nursing her back to sleep for the rest. I've done that over the weekend.
She had another 2 hour on dh at the end of last week.
So we know it's possible, just whether or not she can do it herself?

Nothing seems to really help the waking early am right after midnight.
I'm betting it's snot related.
Betting. Hoping. Praying! :)
That will go away and maybe just maybe we'll be left with a new little sleeper?

She's so much happier - which she's pretty happy anyway - when she gets sleep.  It's truly amazing.
But really aren't we all?  I honestly can't remember sleep at this point. gah.