Ok and before I forget what sleep sacks did you use? That pillow looks perfect. We've got a few foam pillows but they are pretty thick. Right now we have a beach towel, we had it under the fitted sheet, but it made the bump and she kept rolling off of it so we moved it under the mattress for a subtle incline. She's still all over the place :-) now rusty I think about it maybe we just move the towel back to under the sheet to get her used to a ridge and she'll eventually stay on it. Hmm.We'll try that are we get through with this horrible cold.
Ok so she's sick. Not anything too bad just a cold, but she's never been sick so she's a mess once she lays down and the drainage starts. Naps have been ok. Mostly the 1.15h and last two days closer to noon/12:15p since she's been getting up so early

Bedtime is getting a tad earlier too to avoid major OT and we've had some cn in the morning sometimes.
Nighttime is all over the map. The doctor cleared us for Benadryl to help dry up her sinuses. We thought woo hoo, sleep!
NOPE! Of course she's one of the kiss that Benadryl makes HYPER!!!

I can't even explain the chaos. Thursday night was the worst. She was up every hour and one 3 hour stretch straight. Total disaster. She was hilariously laughing! & crying and coughing & sneezing.
No benadryl ever again for this girl. Ack.
So Wednesday/Thursday were Benadryl.
Friday I was hallucinating I was so tired at work. Friday she took the old two naps after lots of crying. Then slept through that night except one ~45 minute wake up at midnight.
She got up at 5:30 though.
Saturday up early, nap at noon, 1.15 hour, bt 6:30p. Up at 1:15a....I got her down for ~25 minutes & then she was up crazy talking, standing, doing downward dog antics squealing, etc until 3:45am (I was in and out doing pd, sleep words, silence, hand on back, giving her water, she's so congested, Tylenol, tried everything to keep her in the crib and back to sleep). At 3:45am I gave up and took her to the day bed and let her fall asleep on me partially sitting up to help with drainage. She slept until 7am :-)
So she went down for her nap at 12:15a (She's beat missing that 3 hours in the middle last night, me too!) & @45 minutes dh had to go in and resettle her, but she went back down pretty easily. She's still down...It's almost 2p :-)
Her appetite is coming back today and she seems to feel better. Oddly even being sick she's all smiles and giggles most of the day!
Hopefully we're turning a corner... I can't over think anything while she's sick you know. Just getting through it.
She's got her flower girl gig for brother in law tomorrow so that will be super fun, but a schedule disaster. It's at 4p, but easily 1 hour away + rush hour Monday traffic coming home...We won't be home until 7 at the earliest

Who has a wedding on a Monday night?! Ah teachers. They're off for the week. Gah! :-)
Getting through the sickness and the schedule this week. :-)