Author Topic: Weaning vacation!?!? (don't worry - he's three!)  (Read 1821 times)

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Offline peacefulwarrior

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Weaning vacation!?!? (don't worry - he's three!)
« on: December 08, 2015, 15:15:44 pm »
Has anyone ever heard of a weaning vacation?
We've been wanting to wean my 3 year old son but he just loves to nurse (and still nurses at night - I did not do sleep training with baby number 2). 
Anyway, my good girlfriend said she had her husband take her toddler away on vacation for a few days in order to make the weaning process go a little easier.
And it turns out that I am going away for 5 days very soon - and was trying to think of the best way to prepare my son if infact we do wean during the vacation.
He's been away from me for 5 days before but when I came back, we started nursing again.
Does anyone have any good weaning tips?  He would never take a bottle of breastmilk or sippy cup or anything so that's not an option.
What do you recommend saying to children when weaning?  He's 3 so smart enough to logically understand what we say but irrational enough to throw a fit over it!  haha
Thanks so much - I really appreciate your expertise!
« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 15:20:12 pm by peacefulwarrior »

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Re: Weaning vacation!?!? (don't worry - he's three!)
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2015, 15:24:06 pm »
Not BTDT (DD1 just stopped BFing when I stopped offering at 18 mos and she never asked for it; I'm still BFing DD2) but I know some ppl have tried telling their toddler that their milk has run out and that has helped/worked.  Combined with you being away for 5 days that might help?

Besides nigtht-time, what other times are you BFing at the moment?
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

Offline peacefulwarrior

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Re: Weaning vacation!?!? (don't worry - he's three!)
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2015, 17:20:55 pm »
I breastfeed him now in the morning, before work, after work, bedtime generally.
I have tried cutting nursing down here and there and he throws a fit every time.
Any recommendations for that?

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Re: Weaning vacation!?!? (don't worry - he's three!)
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2015, 13:20:52 pm »
I have no experience weaning a toddler but at 3 years I wonder if the best approach would be to just stop whichever feeds you choose cold turkey? I think he will hrow a fit regardless and it seems that the "don't offer, don't refuse" idea might not work so well in his case. A lot of talking about it out of the moment will probably be a good thing to - as pp suggests by telling him the milk has run out.

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Re: Weaning vacation!?!? (don't worry - he's three!)
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2015, 14:37:14 pm »
No btdt either as DS decided to stop himself at 2yo, but the mums I know who continued to 3/4/5 (yes, 5!) all said they talked about it a lot beforehand, with the 3/4yos, they just told them that when it was their birthday, they'd stop, and apparently they were fine with that - kind of like a growing up thing. I think the vacation sounds like a great idea, perhaps DH could plan some special things to do together, now that he's a 'big boy' and make sure he understands that there'll be no more nursing but plenty of snuggles and cuddles and special mummy time when you're back.

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Re: Weaning vacation!?!? (don't worry - he's three!)
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2015, 16:27:40 pm »
I'd definitely try a way that he is happy with rather than refusing and letting him cry. It will be a very emotional time for you both .

My boys were 2y2mo when they each weaned and we did it by changing the routine up, offering alternatives and distraction.

So in the morning DH would get him up and go down for breakfast and I would follow 10mins later and he didn't even notice he'd missed the morning feed.

At BT we moved the BF BF to downstairs and before the bath so he was less inclined to hang out there all sleepy. We also offered an extra story and sometimes a cup of weak hot chocolate instead. That didn't last long.

I'd get your DH to do as much as you can so the temptation isn't there for LO.

Mine both stopped without ever crying for it. After a few days I just said they were big boys who didn't have my milk anymore and that there was no more milk there as my body knew they didn't need it any more.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011