Author Topic: 11 week old 45 minute waking / has pacifier become a prop?  (Read 1609 times)

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Offline swissmant

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11 week old 45 minute waking / has pacifier become a prop?
« on: December 15, 2015, 03:45:21 am »

My wife and I have been following EASY as best we can for about 6-7 weeks with our daughter who is now 11 weeks old. She's been doing pretty well, but has developed the habit of waking up 45 minutes after going to sleep. I've looked at other people who have reported this problem, but our routine is not exactly the same, so I wonder if anyone has any input on what we can improve. It is getting quite frustrating and I think we've also made the pacifier a prop now.

7am-7.30 E
7.30 - 10 S (we don't do activity at this time as she is still in 'sleeping mode'!)
10 - 10.30 E
10.30 - 11.30 A
11.30 - 2.00 S - although we this is her sleeping window, she will wake up 45 min later and take about 30 to 40 min to fall back asleep for another 45 min. Most days we go for a walk in the stroller at this time and she will sleep through and have a good nap of 2-2 1/2 hrs.
2.00 - 2.30 E
2.30 - 3.15 A
3.15-5.30 S - similar to her earlier nap, this is her sleeping window but 95% of the times she will wake up 45 min after she went down. We try to calm her down and if we are successful she will sleep for another 20 min, the rest of the time she is pretty fussy and will spend about 40 min crying on and off. By the time it gets to 5.15 or 5.30 if she is not asleep we will pick her up for her next feed.
5.30-6 E
6 - 6.30 A
6.30-8.30 S - sameas her nap at 3.15. She will fall asleep fairly easily and wake up after 45 min. Most of the times crying as if she is still tired. It is hard to calm her down and if she does she will only sleep for about 20 min at most. 
8.30 - 9 E
9-9.30 A (bath)
9.30-11 S - She falls asleep very easily and sometimes she will last 50 or 55 min instead of 45 min.
11-11.30 E (dream feed)
11.30-7 S

She usually sleeps for about 6.30 - 7 hours at night - the times here are just rough averages of when she does things.

She will fall asleep without the pacifier often for the night sleep, and often after the 7am feed, but we give her the pacifier for her naps and she falls asleep fairly quickly. She does NOT usually wake after 45 minutes for the night sleep and usually not for the 7am feed. However, with the other feeds it seems as though she spits out the soother and then wakes up. Sometimes she'll fall asleep again if we sit with her for 20 minutes, other times she does not. We've tried leaving her when she wakes but she tends to become fussy and then has trouble relaxing to sleep afterwards. During the night, she sometimes moves around / gets noisy around 5am, but if we put the pacifier in, she will usually settle down at that time for another hour or two.

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Re: 11 week old 45 minute waking / has pacifier become a prop?
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2015, 06:35:35 am »
Hi and hello to BW forum!
Her 45min naps for me are undertired as she gets or you would like her to get a lot of sleep:). At this age I would say it would be great if the baby sleep around 11h night and maybe 4.5h during day. If she would sleep as you hope she would get much more. Her A time especially after good nap should be probably even more than 1:30.

Offline swissmant

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Re: 11 week old 45 minute waking / has pacifier become a prop?
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2015, 15:51:54 pm »
Hi and thanks for your help.

We had some confusion about the 1h30 and whether it included eating time which is what we were going on! So we've started lengthening her A time, but should we ignore her tired cues? Sometimes she'll yawn after only 45 min of A time so we're worried about her then becoming overtired.

Offline becj86

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Re: 11 week old 45 minute waking / has pacifier become a prop?
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2015, 22:08:05 pm »
A time includes evyrhing from eyes open to eyes closed. It includes eating.

The way I'm reading your routine is that you have a day that goes 10am-9:30pm. This is quite a short day. At this age, LOs aren't particularly variable wrt routine needs unless they're very high or low sleep needs. Are you happy with her day starting at 10?

If so, routine could look more like this:
10 - wake, eat
11:30 - nap
1 - wake, eat
2:30 - nap
4 - wake, eat
5:30 - nap
7 - wake, eat
8:30 - 45min catnap
9:15 - wake, eat, BT routine - bath, etc.
10 - asleep in bed for the night

Of course, 45 min naps could be developmental though that is usually more around 4 months... i suspect that they are related to UT in which case you could try A time slightly more than 1.5hr.

Yawning is not the most reliable tired sign. It can mean all sorts of other things too. Generally i advise watching the clock until 10min before nap time is expected then watch baby for cues and put down for nap 10 min after nap time if no cues have been seen. Its easier and reduces UT short naps because of misread cues. Also gives you a better idea of what might be a reliable cue because you're watching closely when they're most likely to happen.