I didn't really start keeping track until today because she had been so unpredictable, so here's today:
She woke up at 7:00. I got her out of bed and we nursed and cuddled in my bed until about 7:30. Then I got up and changed her and we played on her playmat while I pumped. Then we played various other games until she was starting to get fussy at 8:45. I put her in her swing to nap (I know that's not recommended, but I'm trying to tackle nighttime sleep first) and she was out by 9:00 am. She woke at 9:40ish but went back to sleep within ten minutes with no crying. She stayed asleep until about 10:20. Then I got her up, nursed her a little (she wasn't super hungry), changed her, and we played in her jumperoo, on her playmat, and with her stacking cups. We nursed again because she was hungry again around 12:15. Around 12:30 we took a bath together which she LOVES. Then we read two stories and I put her down for a nap at 1:10. She slept until 2:30. It's now 4:30 our time and she's been up and playing. she has eaten a few times since her last nap. She's not ready yet it seems to switch to just a few feedings a day. Soon we'll go to the grocery store. At 7:00 she'll get her bath (she just sits in the water when she takes one with me, i pull her out and put her in a bouncy seat next to the tub when I actually use soap and shampoo), I'll nurse her, and then read her a story or two and we'll try the PU/PD method again around 7:30 and hope that it goes better!
For the record, she slept for five hours straight last night which is basically a miracle. My husand tried PU/PD several times and she started crying in earnest, so I nursed her but kept her awake and put her down awake. She fussed, so I did PU/PD maybe three times and she settled. When she woke again three hours later we did the same, except when it was all said I done I didn't have to PU/PD at all. She went down awake and was asleep within minutes, so that was good!