Author Topic: Help with 10 months breasfeeding schedule  (Read 1551 times)

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Help with 10 months breasfeeding schedule
« on: December 30, 2015, 15:04:14 pm »
Hi everyone.
Can somebody help me with schedule for my 10 mnths old boy.
Till last week he was nursed 4x a day around WU time 6.30 - 7.00am
Around 11.00am after his morning nap
Around 3.30 - 4.00pm after his afternoon nap
Around 7.00pm before BT.
Since last week he doesn't really want to nurse just drink for few minutes and then he bites me and just messing.
Im ok with that but he gets hungry very quickly and he is whining all the time.
He eats solids at 7.30am breakfast cereals and fruits
12.30pm lunch veggies + yogurt or fruit
5.30pm dinner veggies + meat or fish or egg.
Im not sure if I should cut down BF to 3 feeds and introduce some snack in between just not sure when and how.
If somebody has some ideas pls. Thank you.

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Re: Help with 10 months breasfeeding schedule
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2015, 18:26:09 pm »
Hi there, I dropped our first BF at 10 months old. You could keep offering and then offer a snack after if he does mess around or just replace it completely if you are happy with that?

Offline wilow

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Re: Help with 10 months breasfeeding schedule
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2015, 10:10:35 am »
Hi thank you for reply.
 He doesn't have patient lately during bf and meals. But what worries me now he started to wake up during the night at around 3am and he wants to nurse. He was sttn for last month now. He always was good at night.  He could sleep without waking from 7mths for few nights in the row then for few nights he was awaking once for bf and then next few nights could sleep without waking. I don't know if he is hungry or he is going through some growth spurt. Hope it will pass.

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Re: Help with 10 months breasfeeding schedule
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2016, 19:44:04 pm »
Maybe look at adding more solids food to meals to. Your lunch for example is just veggies and  yogurt or fruit which for me would be the side and dessert. I'd offer a substantial protein like meat, fish, cheese, houmous or egg here too as well as a complex carbohydrate such as bread, pasta, rice, potato or cous cous. And id add some kind of carbs to the dinner as well to really fill him up. f LO is willing to eat it and seems hungry I'd be moving towards offering 3 full and balanced meals like you would eat yourself. I think at 10 months he is probably ready to move past the stage of one or two foods at each sitting.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011