Author Topic: EMW please help!  (Read 3560 times)

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Re: EMW please help!
« Reply #30 on: December 21, 2015, 08:27:40 am »
Yay to the later wu!  :)

That first nap may be an UT one with it being only an hour and with the later wu is slightly less A time than we were working towards previously. If she wakes later again, I'd be temped to push the first nap out and therefore the second consequently giving you a later BT using the A times we were using. You were trying to get her to have 13hrs ONS yesterday, can you see that with the 11hr day?

She still did over 11hrs ONS there again so we know this routine is working. You will be stuck in a 5.30am wu and 6.30 BT until we move the routine out like I've said in previous posts. Again, we can shift the whole routine like with the link I posted before, or alternatively when she does wake later, do what I said above. Does that make sense? Xx

« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 08:34:57 am by Kellyjs »

Offline Lacey1989

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Re: EMW please help!
« Reply #31 on: December 21, 2015, 09:24:51 am »
Ok if she wakes later eg 7am/730am I'll aim for a 10-11 nap!? As today went I have to put her down at 9am and is asleep by 9.05am as she appears to get quite hyper rubbing eyes thumb in (OT). Then she had been awake 3.15 hours? Shall I wake her at 10 or 1030!? What is the average awake time before bed? I'm thinking of she wakes at 3pm bedtime 630? Can I aim for 11.5 hours ON or not really? Thanks it all sort of makes sense, but when she's grizzly I just give in and put her down lol xx

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: EMW please help!
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2015, 09:32:16 am »
Yes, exactly. We just use the same A times like in the routine I posted earlier. I might leave the nap so she wakes at 10.30am if she'll do it, then you can push the second nap later too. Keep the same A time BT as you have been doing.

No, I don't think you can expect 11.5hrs ONS, she's consistently doing 11hrs xx

Offline Lacey1989

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Re: EMW please help!
« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2015, 09:35:56 am »
Ok. But last night she slept 620pm to 545am? So is that not 11.25 hours ON. I'm so confused with timings... She did only sleep 2.25hours daytime. So to get this could I continue capping her daytime naps? To get a 11.5 hour night? If not will go with the plan. Thanks so much for your help 😀

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Re: EMW please help!
« Reply #34 on: December 21, 2015, 09:36:22 am »
Hi there
Looks like you've been at this for about a month now is that right? And LO is about 8 months old?
I would suggest doing set naps for a number of days to get her into a new routine, after that you can adapt based on usual cues such as an extra stimulating day might need a slightly earlier nap or BT etc, but to get into a good routine Tracy often watched the clock and kept LO up for long periods without worrying about OT.  This could well be your quickest solution to implementing a routine you will all find more predictable.
I'd suggest:
WU any, the aim is 6.30/7am
A 3.5hr (until WU moves to 7am this A time will be longer, that's fine)
S 10.30 - 12.00 (stay close to help resettle if an OT nap comes)
A 3hr
S 3.00 - 4.30
A 3hr
BT 7.30
Over night 11 (or possibly 11.5) and do not expect more.

If you read some of Tracy's interviews or examples in her books, she suggested using any method needed to keep LO awake to establish a good routine, she said do a fan dance if necessary. So that first nap is coming considerably later than your LO is used to and you might need to deploy the fan dance to get through. It might even be that for a couple of days you find it impossible to get her through to 10.30, and nap might end up being 10 or 10.15 but the thing is to do your best to get there.  You might be tempted to move nap 2 much earlier if nap 1 is short, This isn't how Tracy established routine, she kept LO up until the very close to the next nap time, and also woke them at WU time if they were so tired they wanted to sleep longer.  Usually on the forums we go slower and more gently (partly because it is quite hard work on parents) but IMO when you've been trying gently for over a month it's probably time to grit your teeth and make this happen.

As Kelly said, when you got the later WU you put her down for a nap much earlier than needed, got a short nap, short day and back to square one with the early BT and earlier than you want WU the next morning. My suggestion on routine means sticking pretty close to it for several days.  Your LO may well become OT, Tracy was never scared of that, it means in the end they sleep and get on a suitable routine. It's harder but it's quicker and it works.  Be there if your LO has OT WUs or NWs and help her settle.

My absolute worst times have been when DS was UT and I didn't shift the sleep times late enough.
Hope this helps :)
Good luck.

Offline Lacey1989

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Re: EMW please help!
« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2016, 20:58:16 pm »
Hi again! Just an update dd is no longer waking at 530am 😀 she now sleeps 630/7 to 715. I really think she needs the 12 hours ON and is so much happier now!! I hear her at 530 at times however she goes back to sleep (have even had to wake her at 745am) I solved it by letting her nap 2.5 hours after she woke then capping her morning nap to 45/1hr. Then doing 3 hours awake time like you said to her AN nap at 1-230/3 then she is awake till 630/7 and is quite happy with this!!! A little different to the 2 1.5 hour nap routine discussed but she's now getting more sleep ON now I worked out she only needs a short morning nap yay thanks

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: EMW please help!
« Reply #36 on: January 05, 2016, 19:20:34 pm »
Yay so glad it's worked out for you. Thanks for popping back to let us know too, it always makes us feel good!! Xx

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Re: EMW please help!
« Reply #37 on: January 06, 2016, 21:02:15 pm »
Great to hear good news!

That's quite early to move to a short am nap long pm nap routine but I am so pleased that you've worked it out and settled into a great routine. Wonderful!