Author Topic: 7 mo old - when (and how!?) can I stop feeding at night?  (Read 1536 times)

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Offline Antie66

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7 mo old - when (and how!?) can I stop feeding at night?
« on: January 29, 2016, 10:28:41 am »
My LO is 7 months and has a full milk feed (BF)  in the morning, usually 2 more during the day (though sometimes just 1 if we're out and about and he's too distracted) and another at bed time. He has 3 solid meals a day and I notice he eats a fair amount compared to other babies (even those who are 2-3 months older!). The meals are well balanced and chunky and he also gets finger food. He still wakes up twice during the night (at 10.30pm and another anywhere between 2-5pm). The first wake up is always at the same time and he does not necessarily feed very much. There have been nights he didn't wake up until midnight or 1am (with a second EW/NW around 5-6am) and there have been other nights where he would wake around 10-11pm, but then not until 5-6am (very rare!). It seems he can go without milk much longer than 4 hours. Is the waking just habit? Can I wean him for night time (and if so, any suggestions how?), I don't want him not to get the milk he needs, but I also don't want to be up feeding him when it is not really needed (he still wakes before 6pm in the morning, so with two night wakings I don't get a great deal of good sleep and work is looming). I just wanted to add that he recently started drinking from bottle and sippy cups (after weeks of trying when he was around 4 months so DH could do NF *sigh*), but only small amounts and only water (he hates formula!).  Thanks for any advice!
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 10:32:07 am by Antie66 »

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Re: 7 mo old - when (and how!?) can I stop feeding at night?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2016, 12:25:36 pm »
It's still really normal for a BF baby to have 1-2 NFs so I wouldn't force him to give them up if he is still wanting them. You could try to resettle him without feeding for a few minutes but if he is upset and seems to want to nurse then I'd just feed him.

I'd try to get more milk into him during the daytime. Even if he doesn't take a huge amount at each feed I would offer a minimum of 4 times a day even if you are out. I feed lots in the car (e.g. Just before I pick the kids up from school) as it isn't too distracting. It's unlikely a baby this young would get all he needs from 3 BFs so he likely does really need those NFs to make up the calories, especially on days he has only 3 daytime feeds.

I'd also look at how your BFs fit around solid meals. 3 solid meals is a lot for his age so I'd be really careful you are not letting him fill up on solids and he then doesnt have space in his tummy for a full milk feed. I'd make sure you are offering the breast before solids in each A time to ensure he can take a big milk feed and then have the solids later. Milk is still his main source of nutrition until 12mo.

If you pump at all then maybe you could offer some expressed milk in a sippy cup with his solid food. Or use your milk in the solid food on cereal etc.

It's also worth thinking about whether he is an independent sleeper for BT and naps. If he is he is more likely to resettle himself if he wakes at night.

Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011