Author Topic: Figuring out evening and night  (Read 2685 times)

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Offline Alexian28

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Figuring out evening and night
« on: January 29, 2016, 14:24:05 pm »
7 week old DS is mixed pumped BM/formula fed. I'm trying to let him settle his own daytime start as I did with DD. She vastly preferred a 6-6 day. However I'm kinda at a loss for a few things.

Left to himself, he was sleeping from 7:30p-12:30a when he'd wake hungry. He'd then wake again around 5 to eat and will go back to sleep but then it throws the day off. He'll then have an 8a-8:30p day, which shifts the night feeds to only one at 2am then up at 6:30a when we might as well start our day. So we tried again with the DF at 10:30p (he wouldn't take it at 4 weeks). He'd drink the entire DF bottle then wake around 3a to eat, then up at 7a 3 days in a row. Great, I thought I had solved our issue. Except in only 3 days he began waking on his own at DF time, before we went into his room whereas before he'd sleep another 2 hours! We stopped the DF and he immediately went back to 12:30 wake up.

So yes he'll take the DF and our days work out better, but in only 3 days I trained his little body to want food at 10:30. I don't like to create habits I'll have to break later. Should I not do the DF and just accept that, for now, his days are going to alternate between 6:30a and 8a start times? This'll be hard in a month when I go back to work. Or do I do the DF and break the habit later?
3 year old DD with special needs
DS born 12/11/2015

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Re: Figuring out evening and night
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2016, 19:34:10 pm »
This is not exactly what you were asking but I wanted to say my DS also woke for the DF. I personally found it a good time to feed so that I could go to bed afterwards. He always settled really quickly after it and just went straight back to sleep.  When it came to dropping the 'DF' I didn't find it any harder than any of the other threads I've seen for dropping a true DF. I just reduced over a number of nights, I planned to go down to 1oz then to shush/pat to resettle with no milk but after a few nights of reducing he just stopped waking for it.  If you find the 10.30pm feed more suitable for you and for the overall routine I would just go with it. The wean isn't necessarily going to be a hard habit to break.

Offline Alexian28

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Re: Figuring out evening and night
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2016, 21:43:00 pm »
Thank you for your reply! Definitely comforting. We tried the df again last night... And he slept through till 6:15am for the first time ever. No doubt because I'm trying to bump my supply up so I planned to be up every couple of hours to pump. Also odd that his oz intake during the day yesterday actually went down. Maybe just at the end of a growth spurt and he needs his sleep.
3 year old DD with special needs
DS born 12/11/2015

Offline Alexian28

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Re: Figuring out evening and night
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2016, 09:02:07 am »
Second DF night he woke at 2:30 am for a bottle, slept till 7. Perfect. Past two nights he's up at 1 and 5 anyway! Why even bother staying awake to give the DF if he's going to wake to eat at the exact same time anyway, apparently? And why did it work two nights then not again?
3 year old DD with special needs
DS born 12/11/2015

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Re: Figuring out evening and night
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2016, 18:33:17 pm »
There are lots of growth spurts when they are so little, do you think it might have been a couple of nights he didn't need the extra feeds and then a couple he did?
Some people choose not to do the DF (or the awake feed at that time iyswim) and prefer to go to bed early themselves so they get some rest in before LO wakes for the NF, do you think that would suit you better? It's really down to what suits you and your family I suppose.