Author Topic: 13 Month Old still waking at night  (Read 2412 times)

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Offline shoeaholicanon

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13 Month Old still waking at night
« on: January 26, 2016, 17:17:51 pm »
We're exhausted and getting frustrated with our LO's sleep.
He used to be a good sleeper. Woke only when he needed milk and once I weaned him off night feeds, he woke most nights once and all he needed was a soother popped back in and he would be back to sleep. I could live with that.

Owen does down in crib awake at night and has been since 8 weeks old so we have never had transitional issues. Plus his naps have been all crib.
But in the last 3 months it's been complete hell. He's been sick a few times which means he ends up in our bed so we all can sleep but then when going back to crib, he fights bed time a little. Fights all naps & doesn't nap for the whole 2 hours on his own. He is waking anything from once a night (least likely) to 5 times a night and in hysterics. Spits soother out. Doesn't want us to leave. This has been our past 3 months...its not like him at all.
We've tried a few sleep training techniques and have made an effort not to bring him to bed when we are desperate but he just won't sleep through the night. And I wouldn't mind as much if he actually woke just once or actually went back to sleep easily. He's turned around on us from a good sleeper to horrible.

I don't know what to do? CIO is too extreme for me although we've tried varried versions of it but when it does work, its short lived. Maybe a week. And then back to sleep hell.
Any sugguestions????

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 13 Month Old still waking at night
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2016, 02:15:46 am »
What does his routine look like right now? Is he on one nap or two naps? Growth spurts? Teeth? Development leaps?

You say you did a version of CIO? What exactly? I am wondering if he needs some trust built back up as going from being allowed in mom & dad's bed to that is hard for a lo to understand. We don't condone any sort of CIO/CC here on BW but we can help find a gentler middle ground to get things back where they were. Probably some type of gradual withdrawal and perhaps a routine tweak too.

Offline shoeaholicanon

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Re: 13 Month Old still waking at night
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2016, 17:50:36 pm »
Hi There!

Thanks for responding.
Daycare has actually helped him sleep better, thankfully. He actually slept right through the night last night, first time in about 3 or more months.
What frustrates us is that once he's improved sleeping, it's short lived & goes back to waking LOTS.

He's 13 months old with NO teeth. I swear this child has been teething for 8 months now. But I do feel there are nights where yes, this bothers him and we will give him Advil when needed. It however doesn't always help & then we think maybe it's some thing else?

His routine is as follows:

6am - Wake
7am - Breakfast
9:30am - Nap but he's transitioning over to 1 nap a day most days. He only naps in the AM if he has been up since 5:30am or has had a horrible night.
10am - Snack
12pm - Lunch
1:15pm to 3:15pm - nap - he naps well at daycare. At home he wakes and needs us to be with him or hold him to finish his nap. This developed when he had a three day fever a couple weeks ago. Now, he won't finish his nap on his own at home.
4pm - snack
6pm - dinner
6:30pm - bath & bed routein
7pm - bed time.

As for what variation of CIO - we basically have tried to go in, soothe with or without picking him up (trying variations of what helps to calm him down) then either back in the crib, give him soother or wait until he's calmed & leave the room. Most of the time we need to leave the room with out having spoken to him, pat him on the back & try soother (lately he's been spitting it out & refusing which is again, not common for him. soother used to do the trick instantly), leave the room - he will likely cry out for us. We give it a few minutes to see if he settles - if he doesn't and it escalates, we go in and try soothing again. We let him "CIO" so long as its not distressing/hysterical or sobbing cries.

There have been some nights we've let him try to put himself back to sleep. He wouldn't be sobbing or in hysterics and some times he can settle himself. We only go into his room if it escalates. At which point it takes effort to get him back to sleep on his own. Soon as he hears the creaky footsteps on our wood floor, he wakes again to cry...unless he's fallen into a deep enough sleep.

What we're struggling with is why he will improve sleep for a week and then go back to being a terrible sleeper for weeks on end. Once we believe he's actually improving, he falls back to waking multiple times. Also, soother used to work for him within seconds so it was never an ordeal. Now, he refuses, tosses it away, blows it away from his lips. He just WONT sleep through the night - even when sleep is good, he's waking at least once. Usually same time every night. Around 4:30am.
I don't know if the soother is working against us. He's just started daycare and I dont want to take it away from him just yet until he's comfortable with his new routine.

He started Daycare at the beginning of January & he has been sick a few times so we understand those are setbacks. His health has improved and he's getting used to Daycare and seems to be loving it. So we know there are changes and the illnesses. In general however, these sleep issues have started since he was about 9 months old - months before these changes happened.


Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 13 Month Old still waking at night
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2016, 04:31:18 am »
Sounds more like you were doing wi/wo tbh! Sorry I am so long in days and I keep falling asleep on the couch as soon as the kids are off to bed!

I have a friend whose lo is a similar age and just getting teeth too!

Hmm on he days you do two naps because of an ew how is the next night? Just wondering if he needs a consistent one nap routine to get the nights going better. Hate to say it but my DD3 had nw's off and on very similar until many developmental things that they have to cope with!


Offline shoeaholicanon

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Re: 13 Month Old still waking at night
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2016, 15:05:06 pm »
Hello there....I'll have to see what these short forms are. wi/wo? I'll check what it means.
Thanks for your time.
I haven't noticed a difference if he has one nap vs. 2....he only naps mornings at Daycare if he absolutely had a terrible night and can't make it to 1pm.
Otherwise from the daily reports I have, he's consistently on 1:15 to 3:15 pm naps. And when he comes home, he's in a good mood and tired but the kind of tired where he crashes.

Funny enough the last 3 nights he's done well. Last night he cried out twice but didn't fully wake which is awesome.
I don't ever get too excited becuase from history, this is always short lived.

Offline shoeaholicanon

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Re: 13 Month Old still waking at night
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2016, 15:07:12 pm »
yes seems we do walk-in/ pick ups, offer soother. If he doesn't accept, we walk out and usually he quiets down quickly. Depends on the day.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 13 Month Old still waking at night
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2016, 00:17:53 am »
Oh I hope for your sake the good nights last! Fx that they do.

This is a handy one for figuring out the short forms! Site Acronyms/Abbreviations - What they are, and what they mean.

Offline shoeaholicanon

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Re: 13 Month Old still waking at night
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2016, 19:32:15 pm »
Thank you! Sadly they didn't last and now its worse like he was a newborn.
He wont let us leave his room. Now we need to stay in the room until he's fallen asleep or else he screams and cries.
 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 13 Month Old still waking at night
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2016, 03:40:40 am »
Lots of times there are regressions around birthdays and half birthdays...he obviously needs you guys now and I imagine once he is through this he will get back on track.

Offline shoeaholicanon

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Re: 13 Month Old still waking at night
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2016, 16:59:32 pm »
Yep - I've resorted to sleeping with him too now - coz its the only way we sleep.
I just hope it doesn't ruin everything we've done so well ove rthe past year!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 13 Month Old still waking at night
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2016, 13:03:56 pm »
It won't! Trust me I have had my kids go backwards in their sleep similarly and always it eventually works out and they are back to "normal" whatever that means ;)

Offline Bella89

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Re: 13 Month Old still waking at night
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2016, 10:00:44 am »
just wanted to jump in here and offer some support.
I know exactly what you are talking about! I mean, to the letter!!
My DS was an excellent sleeper but I feel like I don't know my baby anymore. Past 2 weeks were the worst. Sleeps whenever (but he is on 1 nap), cries for no reason and acts like he is 7mo again (including doing things he knows he can't do and understood it before). He wakes at night, gets frustrated so much that it's impossible to even hold him :(
I think they go bananas after their birthday!!!
I think what I am trying to say is... let's hope it will pass and don't get me wrong - I am glad there is someone that's going through the same thing .