My dd went to one nap around 13 months and although her naps were a bit hit and miss her nights were always good being 11.5 hours asleep around 7:30, awake 7ish, where as we seem all over the place with DS.
Yesterday did 1hr 25 in morn and 1hr in aft so a great day and woke happy from both. 3hrs awake from morn to nap 1 then 3hr 25 awake before nap 2 then 3hr 20 before bed so never went over 3hr 30 awake at one point.
Also took out for a walk in sling to shop before first nap so whether the quiet time before nap helped, we'll see today as asleep after 3hr 5 awake time.
The last few days aswell when woke at 7 hasn't pooed, so has pooed before nap which helps I think. I just wish was a bit more reliable with the longer naps as seems to have 2 good days and 5 bad days at moment.
I did more set naps with DD but she was more consistent with her morning wake up. It was approx. 7am up, 10ish nap, 3ish nap. 7:30 bed and she occasionally did the odd short nap but more like 45-55 mins so much better than 30mins!
Will try the slightly shorter awake times for a couple of days. I think I may have jumped to quickly going straight to 3.5 and maybe got a build up of overtiredness.
They are hard to figure out and seems like all friends children easily take longer naps in cot, pram or car and i'm struggling and DS is in cot in pitch black room with whitenoise!
He wont go in sling or pram as we use those during his awake times and would have to be a longer journey in car.
I realise this is also a good thing as DD was like this and friends would struggle getting home without kids passing out in car but its not great when want to go out for the day!!
Thank you for all the help and advice, really appreciate it, good soundboard, I feel like my days/nights are spent thinking about sleep!