Author Topic: Settling- EASY 6 week old  (Read 852 times)

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Offline Mummytotwo2016

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Settling- EASY 6 week old
« on: March 06, 2016, 13:00:37 pm »
Hi all, first time posting 😊
We are currently running a 3/3.5 hour EASY with our 1 month old. He is an easy baby, well easier than my first. We put him down to nap swaddled and with a dummy. He then takes himself off to sleep after 10 minutes. However he has now started to wake after 20 minutes and cries. We go back in, put in his dummy and shhhhh and pat (tummy). He will resettle and sometimes this is enough, however at other times he will wake again every 20 minutes and the settling gets harder. Any advice on how to help him settle back more independently please? Thank you

Offline LuluBaby

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Re: Settling- EASY 6 week old
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2016, 16:26:58 pm »
I could have written this post! We are going through the same thing... My daughter is 7 weeks old and falls asleep on her own as well but wakes up about 30 minutes later. Then it's a 50/50 chance whether she will fall back asleep (after we give her the pacifier and shush pat) then she will either take a longer nap or wake back up after 30 min... It's exhausting for us but also concerning as she's not getting much sleep during the day unless we're out and about running errands, the she sleeps like an angel of course! :)

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Settling- EASY 6 week old
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2016, 19:29:47 pm »
I think at this age a lot of the short naps are developmental and there's not a huge amount you can do to make them much better, other than wait it out!  A couple of things that can help - doing your best to avoid LO being awake too long and becoming very jerky from over tiredness, and accepting that the long naps in the crib are likely a while off yet.  Although it's not 'by the book' - and by the way I think you've made a great start in encouraging independent sleep :D - don't be afraid to cheat a little when LO is so young and maybe try a pram or sling nap once in a while.  The motion will help LO to sleep more soundly and you get the chance to head out!  Obviously not a long-term solution but it gets you through the early weeks (certainly with LO2 I chose what made life easier over the 'ideal') and as long as you have the end-game of independent sleep in mind, it will come when LO is ready x