Author Topic: 4am - 6am Grunting Session - What's going on?!!  (Read 2553 times)

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Offline LuluBaby

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4am - 6am Grunting Session - What's going on?!!
« on: March 06, 2016, 16:13:06 pm »
Ruby is 7 weeks old and has been waking up (since she's been maybe a week old) around 4am and makes these very loud grunting noises until about 6am (when we wake up). Not only we're losing sleep over it but most importantly, she can't be having the best sleep during that time either. When I check on her she seems to be sleeping (or half asleep). It's not acid reflux, doesn't seem to be gas either. We swaddle her at bed time and we felt like this was the problem as she wanted her arms out (at that time) but once her arms are out she then fusses until they're tucked back in. We then got her a Love to Dream swaddle which lets her have her arms up to sleep... 1st was much better (not sure if it was because of the swaddle or because she barely napped that day! She's a terrible napper!) but last night was the same... 4ish am to 6am grunting session. She's not crying, it just sounds like she's straining to pass gas but I don't think it's gas anymore... And once the clock hits 6 It seems to be all better...
I have yet been able to successfully put her a consistent daily routine as her naps are terrible which I have a feeling might be due to starting the day tired because of the grunting session? 

What do you think?

Offline lyssabz

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Re: 4am - 6am Grunting Session - What's going on?!!
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2016, 00:03:15 am »
I used that swaddle but it still wouldn't fully swaddle her arms so I used the woombie and it's amazing.  My son did that.  Something that Helped was cutting out dairy from my diet. It's so hard for them to digest cow protein.  Once we did that, he was an different baby and stopped grimacing all night long.

Another thing we found that has helped immensely was baby probiotic drops!  Such a big help!  Helps them digest and pass things much easier. I definitely recommend mommys bliss brand.  Probiotics are proven to help improve colic, crying, gas etc!

Offline jessmum46

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Re: 4am - 6am Grunting Session - What's going on?!!
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2016, 19:34:00 pm »
DS did this too, super-annoying!  I think it just got better with time though as his digestive system matured a bit so hang on in there x

Offline cath~

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Re: 4am - 6am Grunting Session - What's going on?!!
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2016, 10:21:58 am »
I think this is pretty common with little babies.  DD2 def did it, and DD1 poss as well (can't quite remember..).  It did pass.  I tried winding her a bit more after her NF(s) but not sure it really made much difference TBH. :-\  My personal theory is that as well as digestive stuff, they are in a lighter sleep by that stage of the night and so are more fidgety/wakeful (well, my DDs were, anyway!) until they get used to sleeping more soundly at that hour. 
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

Offline LuluBaby

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Re: 4am - 6am Grunting Session - What's going on?!!
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2016, 20:37:21 pm »
Thank you ladies! I have a vague memory of my DD1 having done through a grunting phase but not nearly as intense as DD2! Do you remember around when it stopped? It's exhausting! I'm also wondering if it is starting to become a habit as she always starts around the same time?

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Re: 4am - 6am Grunting Session - What's going on?!!
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2016, 21:10:55 pm »
Both my babies did this - started around 4am and went on until morning. DS used to squirm around, grunt then pass wind. He'd be quiet for a few mins and then start all over again. DD did the same but she also used to raise both legs and slam them down onto the mattress - that was even more fun..... ::) ::)

With both of mine it passed by about 15/16 weeks. Both mine were refluxers, they both started showing real symptoms around 9/10 weeks so we were never sure if the early morning shenanigans were related or not.


Offline cath~

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Re: 4am - 6am Grunting Session - What's going on?!!
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2016, 13:44:24 pm »
I can't remember that well, but maybe by 2-3 months or so it had passed.
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

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Re: 4am - 6am Grunting Session - What's going on?!!
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2016, 22:09:55 pm »
My little one did this too ... also with the leg raising and thumping them down on the cot.

Stopped at about 3 months which also tied in with when I took her to see a cranial osteopath. No idea if they were related or if it was a complete coincidence but one treatment thing the osteopath did it was almost like I saw her go ahhhh in relief and her body extend a bit. Like I say could be totally unrelated but either way I was so pleased when it stopped!

Offline lyssabz

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Re: 4am - 6am Grunting Session - What's going on?!!
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2016, 13:46:44 pm »
Ya seems that type of behavior stopped around 2-3 months.  But when I cut dairy out of my diet, I saw immediate results in my son. Dairy proteins are very hard on their digestive systems.  Also the probiotics drops helped so much!