Author Topic: 18 week old, crazy feeds!  (Read 1684 times)

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Offline haribo89

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18 week old, crazy feeds!
« on: March 24, 2016, 14:09:08 pm »
We have always had a problem getting DS to drink, now it's the opposite, I never thought it would be a problem until now though.
A little background, DS is on neocate after diagnosis of CMPI, Also on rinitadine but waiting for an appointment to see if he can start losec instead. He was on around 25oz a day with lots of persuasion. He then become ill and had diareah for nearly 4 weeks and was only taking 10oz a day. His belly has improved somewhat, gone from 15 dirty nappies to 6 a day, he's now taking 42oz in 24hrs though. Id be happy if this was every 3/4hours but he's drinking between 1-4oz (usually 3) between 1-2.5 hrs day and night. Is there anything I can do to get back into some kind of routine, he's waking up from naps and in night staving and is loosing so much sleep.

Offline Lolly

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Re: 18 week old, crazy feeds!
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2016, 19:54:41 pm »
What flow teat do you have him on - have you tried a faster one recently?

The other thought is that maybe it's the reflux flaring up - what dose ranitidine is he on and how much does he weigh?


Offline haribo89

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Re: 18 week old, crazy feeds!
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2016, 21:20:00 pm »
He's been on MAM size 2 for awhile now, It seems just the right speed for him though.
I wondered if he was maybe comfort drinking, my first LO would drink and drink with her reflux but large amounts. He's always been the opposite and we have gone through a lot of phases of bottle aversion, so would be surprised if he's "changed tactic" he's on 3mg/per kg, he was weighed 2 weeks ago and we were told to keep him on 1.4ml with a weight of 15lb 4oz, since then he's actually lost weight though, although I'm sure he will put it back on in no time if he continues.
I've no idea what caused the 4 weeks of diareah and I'm wondering if he's just catching up on missed calories, but his stomached shrunk from so little food. Is that feasible?

Offline Lolly

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Re: 18 week old, crazy feeds!
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2016, 21:37:37 pm »
Did your Dr get a stool sample analysed? 4 weeks is a long time for a little baby.

I don't think the stomach will shrink, just get used to having less in it but it usually turns to normal pretty quickly.

It could well be comfort eating, have you got an appointment soon? He's on top dose for under 6 months although some Drs will do the 4mg per kg.

You could try stretching feeds, so if he asking at 1.5 hours then distract him for as long as you can to try and get to 2 hours before you feed and keep  minimum of 2 hours for the next couple of days then stretch again by 15 - 30 mins for a few days until you get to 3 hours. See how that is, he should take bigger feeds by stretching that way. You also could try the faster teat, I remember thinking the flow was fine but switching anyway and being surprised at the difference it made.


Offline haribo89

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Re: 18 week old, crazy feeds!
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2016, 23:18:14 pm »
He had a stool sample analysed and it come back fine. At the time i wished it had shown something just so we knew what it was. I'm happy it's improving though and hopfully his bowels will be back to normal soon.
We go to see the consultant in 3 weeks, my health visitor seems to think that they will prescribe losec. He has been bringing more back up when he has anything over 3oz, I'm thinking of maybe retrying carobel for that.
I'll try stretching feeds and try him on the faster teat, there's no harm as I'm sure he will need them at some point.
We did see a dietitian who wanted us to wean at 17 weeks but with everything going on it doesn't feel right.