Author Topic: 3 Month old EASY Help!  (Read 1263 times)

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3 Month old EASY Help!
« on: April 06, 2016, 07:54:59 am »
I work from hope from 4pm-midnight and I have been trying to get my baby on a good schedule but having a hard time once it gets later in the day.
We are getting over jetlag now so I dont have any consistent EASY at the moment, but he does something like this.
Eats 40-50 minutes
A- right after and then gets tired about 1.5-2 hours after he woke up
He goes to sleep nicely and wakes up when it has been 3 hours since his last feed.
So for example-
E-9 am

My issue is what happens when I am back at work. Since I am home I am able to feed him but it does make me work slower so I am trying to figure out the best times to feed him AND would like to get him to sleep at around 7pm that way I can work while he sleeps.
Since I am done working by midnight I would like to be able to feed him around then again but dreamfeeds don't tend to work after 11pm and I don't want to wake him.
(While we were away he was going to sleep at around 8 or 9 and sleeping till 4am!)
I just don't want to go to bed at 12 and then he wakes up 30 or 60 minutes later and then again every 3 hours.

This past night he was up every 3 hours. Didnt falls asleep till 8 then was up to eat at 11 and then at 3 and then 6 and then 9:30... I can't handle that once I am back at work.
Any advice?
Also what would be a normal waking/eating routine at night for him?
Is it reasonable to try to get him to sleep from 7-4? Or maybe 7-12 and then 12-7? I know he can do the stretch and I need him to do it again now that we are home and I am going back to work!

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Re: 3 Month old EASY Help!
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2016, 12:12:11 pm »
I think the most important thing to remember at this stage is that nights can be really unpredictable.  My DD can some nights very easily sleep from 7pm - 5am but other nights wakes twice to eat.  I think at 3 months it is perfectly reasonable to expect 2 NFs (even possibly 3).  Are you BF?

Unfortunately you can't make your baby wake at midnight for a feed and I think that waking him at that time would probably disrupt up this sleep cycles, even though that is ideal for your schedule.  I think your best bet is to introduce a DF around 10/10:30pm and hope that eliminates the 1/2am feed and he sleeps until 3ish.  What do you think?