I did a dreamfeed with my 3 first babies basically from day one. With this one, he hasn't been easy to get to sleep in his crib and he's FINALLY going down nicely at bedtime (I did shush pat and comforting him in the crib). But in the middle of the night I just lie down and nurse him and wake up when he needs to feed again.
The thing is normally he feeds at 7 for bedtime and then can go to between 2:30-3 am. So it's almost 8 hours between feeds which is great, but now I'm worried that the df will disrupt his sleep. I did it a few nights ago because I realized I had fed him on the wrong side at bedtime so was engorged and df him at 11, and he woke up at 4 something. Very nice but that's still a shorter stretch than what he can do! On the other hand if he CAN go 8 hours I'd rather it be from 11! After his almost 3 am wakeup he will wake up between 5 and 630 and then I nurse him til it's time to get up.
Should I leave well enough alone?