DD is 7.5 months and is currently EBF taking 4-5 feeds a day. She's been doing really well with solids and we are at 3 meals a day. Selfishly, I would like her to occasionally take from a bottle (maybe once a month if even) so that I can be away for a little longer if need be and still have the peace of mind that she's getting enough milk. I don't want her to wean too early and I love and cherish the BF times. I hope to continue nursing until at least 1 year if not longer. I know she is taking more solids than recommended but she loves solids and I don't want to take that away from her.
Is there a way to start introducing the bottle at this age? Are there any recommendations on how to do so? Is it "too late" to introduce the bottle? I just want to make sure I do it "right" so she doesn't wean too early or reject BF. Thanks in advance!