Just thought maybe there was a way to help him learn to play or to focus got longer periods on a toy
no I don't think so but maybe you can rethink your ideas about supervision - do you really need to follow him around all the time? Have a look at the space he's in and what he's doing. Independence is good for him and good for you if you can let him use it

Reframe what you're saying a bit - he's not 'got no attention span', he's engaging in self-directed play. He is telling you that he doesn't need you or anyone else to entertain him. That's awesome! You need to work with that, if it's his nature to be on the move and looking at stuff, you are unlikely to change it, and it'd be a shame if you did.
When LOs were that small, I tended to set up the sitting room with a couple of different 'play centres' (ie colours and paper on a low table, books elsewhere, bricks or cars in another corner, soft balls and a basket etc etc) and put the play kitchen in the kitchen, set up a cupboard so they could explore in there, and let they roam about. They both liked ride on toys indoors too! If I were doing it again now, I would add in fort building stuff and treasure boxes. It's best not to have too many activities laid on, just a few different choices which he will probably ignore and take all the cushions off the sofa to build a house. That's cool too. A low coffee table or two is a godsend as LO can reach things without you and you can move them about (and so can he) and make the place look different every other day. We also always made a point of getting out the door in the morning to get some air, go to the park, the shop wherever we needed to be. We would do a maximum of one organised activity a day (baking, crafts) but that was occasional really. Both LOs loved nothing more than going round the house 'helping' me, that's a great one for this age.
My LO1 was 2 yo and 1 m when LO2 was born, we didn't have a TV and we still don't (ages 6 and very nearly 4). There is no inevitability about using a TV because you have a new baby (or at any other time). You will do what works for you and your family but if you don't want him sitting in front of the box, then stick with it and see how it pans out. You might be pleasantly surprised.

PS this is a great article - as an aside it's good to think about the kind of toys you have - are they active or passive toys? If they are 'active' toys, he might not be interested, he's not a passive child by the sounds of it, so they would turn him off.