Author Topic: 2yo (25m) is it 1-0?  (Read 1053 times)

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Offline ginger428

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2yo (25m) is it 1-0?
« on: May 30, 2016, 18:16:48 pm »
DS had second NND:
WU 6:22
BT 6:51
He did well. No crazy behavior, kept dinner time calm and mellow, eyes closed in 15mins. Did have a few NWs, one lasted 30-45 mins so total sleep was still around 10hrs. Falls asleep in the car around nap time when we're out, so I know he isn't ready to drop it completely yet, unless he is. Haha.

Could anyone with BTDT experience take a look at our few days and see which route I should take at this point... below are notes from the 1-0 transition advice article. DS's total sleep clocks in around 11/11.5.

And the days since NND:
WU 6:05
Nap 12:50-2:05
BT 8:50 (should've been eyes closed by 8, messed up from outing, took 45 min to fall asleep)

WU 5:45 (probably OT)
Nap 12:59-3:26 (catch up nap)
BT 9:01 (took 30 mins)

WU 6:50 (nw 1:30-2:30 singing the whole time!)
Nap 1:19- (will wake at 1hr... oh and today, he started refusing and saying he wanted to play, but fell asleep in 15 mins)
Bedtime 8:00/8:30?

It was a crazy few days. We usually do 6:15ish Wu, 1-2:30 Nap, 8:30 Bt.

If your LO still likes his nap/isn’t refusing it but BT has become a struggle then you may try:

* Cutting back the nap by 15 mins at a time. You can leave BT at the same time whilst doing this.

* You may find the perfect nap time in order to not have to shift BT. If not then the day may also need lengthening gradually.

* If LO is sleeping a short night due to the 1-0 try shifting the nap earlier in order to make A time to BT longer. This can work well for LOs     
who can't deal with a shorter nap.

* Contrastingly you can try shaving time off the beginning of the nap leaving WU time the same, which results in nap capping and pushing out simultaneously. For some LOs the long 1st A time can continue to over ride a shorter 2nd A time.

* Let LO nap the same length but move BT later lengthening the day. This is the toughest route for parents to take but some LOs simply can't 
deal with a shorter nap and need to keep the long nap and shorter night.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 18:22:31 pm by ginger413 »

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Re: 2yo (25m) is it 1-0?
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2016, 18:35:46 pm »
Hi Ginger :)
I would prob recommend capping the nap to 1hr if your LO doesn't mind a capped nap, then continue to nap each day.  I also wouldn't go for a catch up nap, looking at your EASYs the long catch up led to a long singing NW and nap refusal the following day so if you cap at 1hr (or 1hr 15 maybe if you think would be a better start) then it really is 1hr, not 2.5hr because he had a rough night or lost sleep through singing :)  Not unless you *really* enjoy his singing in the night ;)

My DS couldn't cope with capping. I did try for a while, it really didn't suit him. He also couldn't cope with a NND, he was so tired he was a danger to himself, shockingly so.  So I kind of capped a bit (which was awful) and kind of rolled with the long nap (2hrs) as long as we could with the nights getting shorter until eventually he got hand foot and mouth (very poorly) napped a super length of 2hr 30 mins and never napped again!  Cold turkey nap drop just like that.  I actually gave him a few micro car naps but he hated me for it and I soon realised it was better not to do so.  After 2 weeks of no nap we were both OT and in desperation for my own rest I invited him to nap with Mummy, we both slept on and off for 2hrs and then that really was the end of naps.  Took us months to get there but in the end it was basically over night.
The reason I say this is because you just never know what's going to happen. I never expected that!
just keep doing your best and you will get through it...if capping the end of nap doesn't work then shift it later but to end at the same time, if that doesn't work then try a NND once per week...

Oh and IMO 11 - 11.5hr total sleep is fine at this point. It may lengthen to 12hr nights once you totally drop the nap but I wouldn't expect that now.
I'm probably no help but just sharing what I found :)

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Re: 2yo (25m) is it 1-0?
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2016, 00:48:53 am »
Thanks, Creations! The same article mentioned that the goal during the transition was to minimize OT not worry about total sleep, so will try to remember that.

The singing was great. Every verse of "Wheels on the Bus" on repeat. Lol. If I wasn't dazed, I would've recorded it.

Ok, will try for 1/1.15 for a little while and see. We did that for a about 4-5 days a week or so ago and some nights were about 9 hrs. Any ideas why that happens?

About  A times... Nap/BT is basically set at 1:00/8:30 respectively, corresponding to 6.5 A/6A. If I cap nap, should I bring bedtime earlier to 8:00? And/or push nap later?

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Re: 2yo (25m) is it 1-0?
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2016, 17:44:45 pm »
About  A times... Nap/BT is basically set at 1:00/8:30 respectively, corresponding to 6.5 A/6A. If I cap nap, should I bring bedtime earlier to 8:00? And/or push nap later?
If there is any nap refusal or resistance going on then I'd move nap later and end it 1hr later so the reduction of nap time comes at the beginning of the nap making first A a touch longer and hopefully less resistance.
If he goes down okay for nap but there is a resistance at BT then I would keep nap at the same time and cap it at 1hr making the second A time a touch longer, which should hopefully reduce the BT resistance.

For now I would keep nap and BT basically set as they are (apart from reducing the nap at one end or the other as above) and see what happens to morning WU time (it looks like there is plenty of room there for him to sleep a solid night and wake a bit later). If morning WU time ends up too late for you because you need to get out of the house for a set time then I would move BT earlier.  If morning WU changes significantly you may need to move the nap time even though it is 'set' ie if WU comes later regularly *and* as a result causes nap resistance then move nap later to keep the A time roughly right so he is ready to go down for nap, it becomes a new 'set' nap time rather than changing it every day.  and if as a result of this you end up with BT resistance then cap the nap a bit shorter.
...this is basing it all on him being okay after a capped nap.  Many are grouchy after beign woken but recover quickly but if he ends up like my DS he did not recover until about 30 min before BT which meant a whole afternoon of grouchy moodiness which was highly unpleasant and why I ended up not capping.

Lots of variables there but hopefully it covers a few different options depending how things pan out.  These things can never be judged within a couple of days because it's how the level of sleep over a longer period of time works out which shows what tweaks might be needed.

Ok, will try for 1/1.15 for a little while and see. We did that for a about 4-5 days a week or so ago and some nights were about 9 hrs. Any ideas why that happens?
Well, possibly a touch of OT at BT but it could also be that the nap is still too long.  It really does take time for it to settle down.  Keep in mind having a nap in the day is equivalent to a much longer sleep at night, so 1 hr in the day is not equal to 1hr at night.

Offline ginger428

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Re: 2yo (25m) is it 1-0?
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2016, 11:02:54 am »
Thankfully, DS is taking his 1-1.15 hr naps, but his nights are shorter... 8.5-9, sometimes with hr long nws.  :-\

He yawns and rubs his eyes a lot upon waking and seems like he wants to go back to sleep but can't. He's been irritable, angry, and acting out a lot lately.  :'( I should say- in between his silly, giggly, gorgeous self.  :P

I want to cap nap further, maybe 45min? But not sure when to start that because he seems OT atm.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2016, 11:25:30 am by ginger413 »

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Re: 2yo (25m) is it 1-0?
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2016, 15:28:46 pm »
Sometimes the only way to get them the decent sleep they need is to cut the sleep - I know it sounds crazy but if he needs a better night sleep then capping the nap is all you can really do.  I would just start and hope for the best.