DS had second NND:
WU 6:22
BT 6:51
He did well. No crazy behavior, kept dinner time calm and mellow, eyes closed in 15mins. Did have a few NWs, one lasted 30-45 mins so total sleep was still around 10hrs. Falls asleep in the car around nap time when we're out, so I know he isn't ready to drop it completely yet, unless he is. Haha.
Could anyone with BTDT experience take a look at our few days and see which route I should take at this point... below are notes from the 1-0 transition advice article. DS's total sleep clocks in around 11/11.5.
And the days since NND:
WU 6:05
Nap 12:50-2:05
BT 8:50 (should've been eyes closed by 8, messed up from outing, took 45 min to fall asleep)
WU 5:45 (probably OT)
Nap 12:59-3:26 (catch up nap)
BT 9:01 (took 30 mins)
WU 6:50 (nw 1:30-2:30 singing the whole time!)
Nap 1:19- (will wake at 1hr... oh and today, he started refusing and saying he wanted to play, but fell asleep in 15 mins)
Bedtime 8:00/8:30?
It was a crazy few days. We usually do 6:15ish Wu, 1-2:30 Nap, 8:30 Bt.
If your LO still likes his nap/isn’t refusing it but BT has become a struggle then you may try:
* Cutting back the nap by 15 mins at a time. You can leave BT at the same time whilst doing this.
* You may find the perfect nap time in order to not have to shift BT. If not then the day may also need lengthening gradually.
* If LO is sleeping a short night due to the 1-0 try shifting the nap earlier in order to make A time to BT longer. This can work well for LOs
who can't deal with a shorter nap.
* Contrastingly you can try shaving time off the beginning of the nap leaving WU time the same, which results in nap capping and pushing out simultaneously. For some LOs the long 1st A time can continue to over ride a shorter 2nd A time.
* Let LO nap the same length but move BT later lengthening the day. This is the toughest route for parents to take but some LOs simply can't
deal with a shorter nap and need to keep the long nap and shorter night.