Plus just to say a 'textbook' EASY is neither likely nor possible for many babies, and it isn't the only routine choice out there. Just because you can't follow a textbook EAS routine doesn't mean you can't apply the BW principles of listening to and respecting your LO, allowing opportunity for adequate eating and rest and encouraging independent sleep. A second baby just has to, to some extent, fit in. If for example you always need to be out at 9am there is just no point in stressing about the fact the "routine" says you have to have a nap then. Make a routine that fits your family. You can start earlier or later. You can have a short catnap first up and then aim for a long second nap. BW gives you the tools to handle that - so for example on a catnap then long nap routine you could deliberately aim for a catnap in the car on your way to school, then do a shorter-than-usual A time and aim for a long second nap, waking in time for the school run as others have said. And if the catnap is likely to fall at DS1s bedtime, find a way to make that work - DS for example catnapped on me in a sling during DDs bath/bedtime routine for several weeks. Or you could use a bouncy/rocking chair. Honestly, it works out. You may not get the ideal routine, you may not get the greatest naps all the time or even be able to do things the way you really want to every time. But it's ok
You will find a way that works for your family - it just doesn't have to be 'by the book' xx