Author Topic: Marta (2 years and 5 months) drops the nap on alternate days  (Read 875 times)

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Offline LittleMiwi

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She is tired: I see. Days when she can sleep the nap continues for 2 or 3 hours. If I put her in the car she sleeps. But when she decides not to sleep there is no way! And I see that she is nervous and cannot play or go out for a walk. She becomes unmanageable. 
At night she go to bed at 21.30 (unfortunately we both end with work late). She sleeps in her bed untile 7 in the morning.
I'm so sorry cause I see that she needs to sleep but don't know how to make her understand..
Please any advice? ???  :-\

---- UPDATE After read The 1-0 transition...Advice and Tips to help you through I see that Marta is in the 1-0 transition!!!!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2016, 12:40:33 pm by LittleMiwi »

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Marta (2 years and 5 months) drops the nap on alternate days
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2016, 14:39:02 pm »
The fact that she is dropping the nap every other day is may be sign of the 1-0 in the works, or just a blip due to development. I would just keep offering quiet time at nap time and allow her to sleep or not (seems like she has figured out a way to somewhat cope by sleeping every other day). Eventually she will get ised to being up all day! Early bedtime on those days would help but as you say if you cannot do that due to work then it is what it is.