Author Topic: 7 Month Old- Need Help with Schedule, Dropping a Feed?  (Read 1728 times)

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7 Month Old- Need Help with Schedule, Dropping a Feed?
« on: June 17, 2016, 16:18:46 pm »
My dd just turned 7 months and with everyone's help on this forum, we finally have a good schedule 😊.  We introduced solids at 6 months and she is on 3 solid meals a day.  She currently gets 9 oz of formula per bottle feeding.  I thought she would have backed off on the formula a bit by now, but she is the type that will eat until she overeats.  As per my doctors recommendations, we are to back off a bit on the formula (according to him, she should be having about 26 ounces, where she is at 36.)

She is sleeping through the night so I'm very nervous to reduce formula at all.   I was thinking of gradually eliminating the 4:30 PM feed since it is very close to her 7 PM feed. Any advice? Her schedule is as follows

E 7 am
S 10-11:30
E 11:30
S 3:00-4:30
E 4:30
E 7pm
Bed by 7:30, 8 pm at latest

She eats solids at 9am, 1 pm and 5:30 pm.


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Re: 7 Month Old- Need Help with Schedule, Dropping a Feed?
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2016, 17:41:57 pm »
LOs don't tend to back off from their milk at this age, not for several months yet usually.
Rather than milk reducing it's more likely you'd see it stay about the same but her solids increase (which makes up for the additional calories she needs as she gets older).
Have you already dropped all night feeds and the dream feed?

I really don't see the need to reduce her milk at this point. 4 milk feeds is really normal for a 7 month old.
The thing is, some babies need more milk than others, they generally self regulate and eat what they need.

If you feel you really want to go with the milk reduction I suggest switching the 4.30pm to a solids snack - she is still going to need something to eat at that time even if it seems close to the BT milk.  Or you could move it to just before the nap and then perhaps bring the dinner solids a bit earlier after the nap.