Author Topic: 7mo just won't eat!  (Read 1971 times)

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Offline SusieQue

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7mo just won't eat!
« on: June 21, 2016, 11:25:04 am »
Hi there, I posted about a month ago as I had tried to introduce my then-6MO to solids and he was just gagging and vomiting. The advice given was that he probably wasn't ready for solids and just to let him go at his own pace, which I am fine about. However, he will scarf down plain yoghurt like there's no tomorrow, and will occasionally have one of those Ella's kitchen pouches, but pretty much refuses anything else. At this age can babies be fussy? I've tried to introduce different flavours but he'll get a tiny speck on his tongue and start retching, sometimes making himself sick. I've tried the BLW as he reaches for my food sometimes but will then vomit if he actually bites anything off. It's almost like he can't chew and swallow, which I don't know whether is normal at this age or not - my first DS was an eating machine (still is!) so this is very new territory for me? I may take him to the health visitor next week but just wondered first if anyone had any advice or experience with this? I'm just worried that I may be fostering a future fussy eater at this stage! He still has 4 bottles a day (roughly 6oz for 3 and 9oz for BT) - should I be reducing this?

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Re: 7mo just won't eat!
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2016, 11:38:32 am »
I don't have any experience with this (though my DD is less interested in food than my DS was), but I just wanted to comment that for now the bulk of his nutrients still come from breast milk/formula, so I wouldn't reduce the bottles.  Solids are just meant to compliment the milk intake for now.  I think a visit with your HV certainly wouldn't hurt :).

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Re: 7mo just won't eat!
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2016, 13:08:43 pm »
Hi, sorry to hear things haven't improved. I would certainly see your HV about this and if it was me I'd probably make an appointment with the GP too, just to check things over.  It could still be that he is 'young' in his development and gag reflex etc but I'd prob have him checked anyway even if just to set your mind at ease.
Totally agree not to reduce any milk feeds at all, make sure he is not draining bottles and if he does then increase the amount so that he definitely gets what he needs, leaving a little in the bottle when he is full.
It sounds like he actually is developing an interest in solids, which is good, but for some reason gagging. I wouldn't take it as fussiness in any way at all, more likely something else.  I seem to remember a thread from some time back with a LO having tongue tie which effected introduction of solids but I am not experienced in this at all I'm just saying it as a 'thing' that I remember from a time back.
I hope your HV/GP can shed some light on it for you.  For now, please try not to worry about his calorie intake, his milk will be keeping him healthy and gaining weight.

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Re: 7mo just won't eat!
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2016, 15:46:43 pm »
Do you see any difference between 100% purée and pieces? Does he tolerate better purée? Re appetite - what time do you usually try to offer solids? Is it immediately after milk, in the middle or just before?

Offline SusieQue

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Re: 7mo just won't eat!
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2016, 19:25:55 pm »
Thanks for the replies. I will try and get him checked out next week. We had a bit of breakthrough tonight when he had some bread and a bit of broccoli without throwing up so I will try and offer him some finger foods tomorrow and see how we go. I offer him solids about 1.5 hours after his milk, sometimes 2 hours, but the problem is then he starts getting tired and doesn't want to eat. Regarding the purees, I made him a totally smooth apple and blueberry one at the weekend and he just wouldn't try it - he just tries to grab the spoon and then when I let him have it he just plays with it. So totally different to DS1 I just can't get my head round it! Thanks for the replies though, I will let you know how we get on next week!