hi, I've been doing the 2h A time for almost a week now. She sleeps in her crib, she falls asleep in my arms with gentle rocking and she also sucks her thumb. This is the way she fell asleep from the time she was a newborn with the exception of the short period of time at around 3,5 mo when she had those good night stretches of 8 hours, when i held her in my arms just till she got drowsy and then put her in the crib, she would stir and suck her thumb for 5-15 min and then fall asleep. this worked also for naps, sometime s she needed PU/PD. The sush/pat does not work,it only works if i pick her up and hold her. Also, she moves a lot in her sleep, she likes to sleep n her tummy or on one side and she moves a lot, lifting her but and some sort of crawling
, if she turns on her back then she's wide awake and her hans start flailing.
my easy from the last days:
6:15 wake up
8:10-9:55 nap (woke after 30 min and needed to PU to fall back asleep )
11;45-13:20 nap
15:15-17:35 nap
19:15 bath and feeding
20:00 asleep...woke up during the night 7-8 times
6:30 WU
8:25-9;00 nap (could not get her to fall back asleep)
11:10-12:30 nap (woke after 30 min, fell back asleep in my arms)
14:20-15:00 nap
17:00-17:40 nap
19:15 bath, feed
20:00 asleep
thx for the feedback, hope things get better with a little bit of coaching.