We had a really good day full of my 5 week LO easily going down for naps. I thought she was beginning to learn and was very excited. Then, that night (she usually sleeps easily at night it was the naps we were fighting with) she REFUSED to go to bed and it took a really long time, way more than usual. I couldn't figure out what was wrong or if I had done anything wrong.
Naps were a bit dodgy the next day and it felt like a regression.
Today we "took the day off" and I tried other methods to just get her to nap so she could catch up on sleep. Nothing worked for long. There was a bout of colicky screaming at one point and I was miserable.
Later that evening, after rocking her a bit, I was out of ideas. She was still up, eyes open. So I lay her down in her bassinet and shush-patted her a bit - and she dropped off like a stone!!!
Maybe she just needed a break from it all? Maybe something was wrong the night she wouldn't go to sleep and I was misreading her cues? I am so new to this, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I think we're both still learning!
Is that normal? The back and forth?