Author Topic: 2:1, school runs, nursery runs and EW! ARGH!  (Read 1440 times)

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2:1, school runs, nursery runs and EW! ARGH!
« on: August 31, 2016, 09:31:05 am »
I'm in a tricky spot! I need find the right naps for my ds2 who is in 2:1 and EW. It was 5. 15am this morning. Problem is that I collect him from nursery around 12.45 and then have a school run at 3 and then after school activities.
I feel My options are

S 9.45 to 10.15
S 1.15 to? Yesterday it was 2.35
Bt 7

But this morning he woke at 5. 15. Could that be related?

S 10 to 10.15 (to try and get longer pm nap after yesterday's short one)
S 1.15 to?

Would either of those likely cause emw?

I can't work out if emw is from having an early nap or from having a short pm nap causing OT?

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Re: 2:1, school runs, nursery runs and EW! ARGH!
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2016, 19:51:50 pm »
Hi we will be in a similar position to you come next week when DD1 starts pre school and will have drop off and pick ups.

What time is his usual wu? What routine is he currently on?

I think the 2nd routine you propose might work best if he is prone to EW. That is pretty much the same as what I will be aiming for.

Offline choc

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Re: 2:1, school runs, nursery runs and EW! ARGH!
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2016, 20:04:00 pm »
His wake ups vary sooo much! Just when I think I know what he's doing he changes, even on exact same routine! He has always been this way.  It has been creeping earlier though. We were on 7amish wu then went to 6 30, then 6. 20, then 6 then today 5. 15!
I had been doing
1st nap 10 to 10.15
2nd nap 1.15 to 3.15. 

Then I got a second nap of 1hr30 and at that point wu went from 6.30 to 6.15 and I wondered if the EW was OT so I went  back to 1st nap 9.45 to 10.15 and got a 5.15 wu the next day! Maybe Im chopping and changing too much. It's just I can't cope with ew!
Hope all that makes sense. So is it possible that a 30  min nap at 10am ish could cause ew? My only slight worry with the 15 min 1st nap is that although I am OK with waking him after that short nap I don't know if nursery will and he starts back tomorrow!

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: 2:1, school runs, nursery runs and EW! ARGH!
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2016, 13:02:25 pm »
I'm following as I'm in the same position with DD...but don't really have any answers!  We are doing this (set naps) to accommodate pick up at 12.10:

Nap 1: 9.45ish for 10-15mins
Nap 2: 1-3pm ish
BT: 7.30

But our wus have also been creeping earlier and earlier ..used to be around 6.30, then 5.45, then 5.30 and this morning was 5am but luckily DH managed to resettle her. She slept until 6.30 today so I kept her going and let her fall asleep on way home from pick up and have carried the car seat into the house and let her stay sleeping in it. I'm hoping a 1 nap day will give us a later wake tomorrow.

Do you want to join us on the 2-1 chat thread: Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition #27 ?
« Last Edit: September 01, 2016, 13:06:04 pm by Scottishmummy »
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline choc

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Re: 2:1, school runs, nursery runs and EW! ARGH!
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2016, 15:07:16 pm »
Sounds exactly like our situation! I was doing 15min am nap too but didn't want to ask nursery to wake after 15 min so I tried 10am to 10.30 am this morning in the hope that nursery would tire him out enough to still do long nap in pm but he did just under 1hr 30 pm nap. So not really long enough. He is pretty grumpy now and cries a lot, wanting to be carried etc but not sure if it is tiredness or just a stage he is going through.
I'll join you on the 2:1 thread too.

Offline choc

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Re: 2:1, school runs, nursery runs and EW! ARGH!
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2016, 15:13:05 pm »
Let me know how the 1 nap goes. What time did you do it?

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: 2:1, school runs, nursery runs and EW! ARGH!
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2016, 19:40:59 pm »
DD managed to stretch until 12.00 for her nap, slept 2.5hrs and then BT at 7pm! I think she was kept going this morning as there was lots on though and suspect we'll get OT if I try to repeat the same tomorrow.

How was he with the 15min morning nap? Did he sleep longer in the afternoon/ wake any later? If that's what works for him, I'd ask nursery to do it.
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline choc

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Re: 2:1, school runs, nursery runs and EW! ARGH!
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2016, 19:55:59 pm »
Glad it went well. We did a one nap day the other day after he randomly woke at 8am one morning. It went well like yours but then he woke early the next day so didn't dare try it again!
I stuck with the 30 min am nap today as he was at nursery (first day back) and got just under 1hr30 pm nap . Not sure if that is Long enough. I'm going to give it a but more time and of its not working out I'll have a talk with nursery about the 15 min nap. Or another idea I have is to wing it til October half term and then drop am nap while he is with me for a week. Might be a really stupid idea though!