Sounds like you do a lot already
One of the things my DS loved was flash cards - they have a bit of a bad reputation in my opinion because of the idea of "flashing" them at LO with the aim of forcing loads of information into them, BUT I did not "flash" them at all. Instead we used them like a loose leaf book, just looking at pictures and talking about what was there, he loved an animal set we had with the adult animal one side and the baby on the other, and loved me telling him the names and the sounds they made. We also had various other sets, colours, shapes, sports and hobby pictures, anything really. He loved books too but the cards had another quality, and the ability to lay them out on the floor or pass them hand to hand or reach for them as they are lighter than a book.
Another thing mine loved was busy boxes. Your LO is perhaps just a touch on the young side yet, but as soon as he's sitting he would likely enjoy exploring a few item in a box/basket. There are lots of on-line ideas about what to put in a busy box but it can be as simple as a wooden spoon, sieve and a couple of other safe items from your own kitchen.
Once we introduced solids that took up just about all our A time and I felt we didn't have time for anything else. You have another month to wait yet but going out and about for a 'picnic' (not that they eat much at that age) is nice, just playing around on a blanket, rolling a ball, looking at the scenery and talking about everything.
Lots of talking about everything and anything whether indoors or outdoors