Hi I have 4 month old twins (officially 4 months oct 8, they were a little early) and I've been dream feeding them around 10:30-11 and they are still waking at 5 to eat? When can this end? They are currently sick with a cold. I had to assist them several times last night due to their stuffy noses.
They are still sleeping in swings most of the time off, they both have reflux and had their tongue tie revised...lots of change.
I want to start doing the PUPD method but I not sure if I should Wait till their officially 4 months? Or out of their swaddlers so they can self soothe? What would be the best way to transition them to crib/no pacifier use(it's a prop)?
Should I do PUPD in their swing then transfer to crib? Or transfer to crib with paci then do PUPD after a few days or do it all at once? And unswaddle one arm?
It's hard too because I think one of the twins is ready for a 4 hour but the other is not :/