Author Topic: How/when to stop 5am feed with twins  (Read 1179 times)

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Offline Mj.sweeney0524

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How/when to stop 5am feed with twins
« on: September 24, 2016, 17:13:49 pm »
Hi I have 4 month old twins (officially 4 months oct 8, they were a little early) and I've been dream feeding them around 10:30-11 and they are still waking at 5 to eat? When can this end? They are currently sick with a cold. I had to assist them several times last night due to their stuffy noses.

They are still sleeping in swings most of the time off, they both have reflux and had their tongue tie revised...lots of change.

I want to start doing the PUPD method but I not sure if I should Wait till their officially 4 months? Or out of their swaddlers so they can self soothe? What would be the best way to transition them to crib/no pacifier use(it's a prop)?
Should I do PUPD in their swing then transfer to crib? Or transfer to crib with paci then do PUPD after a few days or do it all at once? And unswaddle one arm?

It's hard too because I think one of the twins is ready for a 4 hour but the other is not :/

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: How/when to stop 5am feed with twins
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2016, 10:46:43 am »
Hi there

It's pretty common for babies of this age to still have one or two NF so they're doing well to sleep until 5!
Are you wanting to do PUPD to eliminate the 5am feed? I would say they probably still need that feed and may do for another couple of months. Do they go back to sleep after?

Offline Mj.sweeney0524

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Re: How/when to stop 5am feed with twins
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2016, 10:59:15 am »
Yes they do go back to sleep. Ok I just wasn't sure what was realistic since in Tracey's book she says dream feed at 11 and then feed/wake at 7. Lately they have needed assistance before 5 however, trying to soothe them with paci to go back to sleep. I could also try feeding them more during the day I think? They take 4-5 oz every 3.5-4 hours. Currently they have colds tho so the routine is all over the place, they are not napping well.

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: How/when to stop 5am feed with twins
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2016, 15:32:09 pm »
My lo is 5months and she gets a DF at 10 and almost always wakes at 4 for another feed. I think the point of waking at 7 was to keep a routine going. So she suggested waking them so they don't go too long w/o a feed and then you can start your day. Does that make sense?

As for PUPD that is really supposed to be a last resort if I remember correctly for sleep training. I would start with shush/pat first and possibly gradual withdrawal, many babies can't handle PU/PD at such a young age.
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