Hi there. On a typical day her schedule looks something like this:
6:30 nurse
7:30 solids
8:30 potty and play
9:30 nap
10/10:15 awake
11:30/12 solids
12:30 potty and play
1:30 nap
2/2:30 awake
5 nurse
6:30 solids
7:30 potty, bath, bed
Her naps were lasting only 30 min. But lately shes been sleeping for about 45min in the morning, and between 45 min to an hour and a half in the afternoon. This is of course compounded by the fact that she recently learned how to stand up in her crib and she's teething, which has greatly affected her ability to settle down for the night and sleep the whole night through. Lately shes been waking at least twice at night crying. Usually all it takes is for us to lay her back down in her crib and lay a hand on her chest and she settles easily, but she used to self soothe back to sleep by sucking her thumb and she stopped. I'm starting to get worried that she not self soothing anymore.