hi all,
first time posting and i am hoping you can offer some nuggets of wisdom to me please.
My lo is about to turn 11 months old in a few days and he is not sleeping through the night at all. waking any where from 3-5 times.
I can count the number of times he has he has slept the full night on one hand!!!

i dont know where I am going wrong with him. We have a pretty solid routine in place with him but its just not happening. so maybe you guys could shed some light.
all in all he is very happy out little chap. He's a great eater, drinks the majority of his fbottles each day along with taking some water in between as well.
the poor thing has been teething since he came out of the womb, we've practically had a tooth a month since he was born so this hasn't helped matters but at this stage i think we are all ready for a full nights sleep

I haven't been too well ( have a clotting disorder so that leaves me quite week and am in the process of getting iron IVs weekly, hard to keep the energy up with the babs anyone never mind this) and am back in work 2 weeks now, he is well settled in creche over a month and doing quite well. So it time to get this sorted.Other wise I won't be able to function in months time
His daily routine goes mostly like this:
5.30/6.00 wake and play in bed, if I could stretch this to 6.30 it would be amazing too

6.30 breakfast
7:00 7 oz bottle
7.30 we leave the house then and he has 15 min trip to creche. he plays for about a half hour and they put him down for a nap.
This can be anywhere from 20 mins long to an hour. he's still getting used to sleeping in a room with other kids so hopefully this will get better.
9.30/10 snack and water
11:30 lunch and the a bottle
12:00 -2 Nap Hopefully this nap is 2-2 1/2hrs long but obviously depends on the day.
2.30 snack
3.30 afternoon tea and a 7oz bottle ( he won't take this most days as he is collected at 5.00 and drinks it int he car then on the way home.)
4.45 snack and some water
5.00 Home.
5.30 dinner, water and play
6.30 We start our bed time routine bath, bottle, book, bed. He doesn't get a bath every night but I bring him into the bathroom and wash his face and hands and brush his teeth so as to keep the same flow.
7.30/8.00 asleep. We had some trouble the last month with him going asleep he was refusing to go with out the bottle and then he would kick and scream . it was taking almost 2 hours to get him to sleep and then he was waking every hour. Figured out is was due to not getting enough sleep during the day or bottles at creche so we got strict on them about nap times and bottles and the settle to sleep issue has eased off.
7:00-7:15 bedtime. mostly he goes down without fuss. he goes down 5 days out of the 7 awake and i rub his back for a few mins or i potter about folding clothes in the hall singing and rolls over and sleep.
the other two nights we have fussing and he might look for some more bottle ( i mostly give him water then) and he will take a oz or so and roll away and fall asleep.
Our trouble starts between 10-11 he wakes crying and rolling around the cot. he's not a fan of pupd method. we get a lot of scream and he waked us fully if I do this . So rub his back or his ears. for a full two weeks I avoided giving him a feed at this time and it was hell. I gave him water but he woke almost ever half hour over this time period.
So i caved liked any normal person and give him a feed at this time now as he seem desperately thirsty. he downs the full bottle. i change his nappy after this.
If I am lucky he only wakes twice after this

if I'm not, like last night he wakes around 1.00 am and then around 3 and 4 or 5 and up at 5.30.
between 11.00 and 5.00 i only give him water. if he is extremely restless and I am at my wits end i have an emergency bottle waiting but he'll only take
i have tired almost everything e.g giving him a night time cereal to see if it is hunger, singing to him. shushing him and rubbing his back( this works for 5 mins of respite), just giving him water at 11 pm waking time and subsequent wakings. not changing his nappy, changing his nappy twice in the middle of night. using different nappies to see if it was this effecting him. White noise, music.
I just don't know what to to do now. as i said previously his routine is pretty good, he thrives on it. he looks forward to bed but once he is in it and such hard work at night.
Any advice would be much appreciated folks.