I have a 3 month old little girl who has some mild reflux. We hare been trying our very best to keep her on an EASY sleep schedule but short naps are killing us! Generally there is guaranteed to be at least one part of our day that ends up looking more like EASAS. Because of this, our routines are all over the place! I will include a sample of a schedule that we've had recently that kind of sums out our problem. Any help, suggestions and even commiserating is very welcome!!!
S: 851pm-142am
NF: 150am
S: 210am-539am
NF: 545am
E: 9am
S: 1017am-1105am
E: 148pm
S:450pm-545pm (this is where it gets a bit wonky - it hasn't been enough time that she should be eating yet and so we end up using the ergo carrier to try and bridge the gap and give her an extra nap)
A: 545pm-655pm
S:655pm - 730pm
S (bedtime): 920pm - 613am (next day)
We seem to find that there is one sequence every day where we need to correct her EASY schedule as her eating slowly moves from the beginning of her awake time to almost right before she needs to nap again. So when we get to a situation where she is feeding very close if not right before her nap, she will invariably wake up and not be due for a feed for another 1.25-1.75 hours so we keep her awake for approx 1 hour then take her out in the carrier where we know she will fall asleep.
Oh and also we've tried giving her shorter awake times and tried starting her wind down routine at 40 min and 60 min. Neither of which seems to give us any better of a result really.
Of note: there was a week straight about a week ago where she was able to put herself to sleep. We would put her into her crib awake and she would end up cooing and talking herself to sleep (sometimes with a bit of fussing but not a ton) and then this past week she has been screaming bloody murder as soon as we put her into her crib or even take her into her room. it has gotten so bad that we have had to calm her down first and then really help her get super super drowsy before even putting her in the crib where she sometimes will fall asleep on her own or will then escalate again...

The other issue we have is with the volume of formula that our 3 month old is taking. She is 12.8 lbs and due to her reflux cannot seem to handle more than 4 oz (approx 120ml) per feed and so needs to feed ever 2.25-2.75 hours. she ends up taking around 750ml of formula per day which to my understanding is below what a baby of her weight should be drinking (if i go by the 2.5 oz per lb method). Maybe a separate topic but another factor potentially in our current napping debacle.
Thanks again for any help!!!
Update: she has recently started with major meltdowns before each sleep as soon as we are done winding down and turn off her light to start with the calming she starts to cry to the point of a full blown meltdown!! It takes us anywhere from 20-45 min to calm her down to the point that we can start the soothing part of our routine (rocking with a soother until she is drowsy and then we put her in her crib without the soother and she self settles to sleep). Could see be undertired???