Hello ! I am back again

My son is 7 month old today! He is always smiling and happy during the day but he is super agitated and curious. For example. in bath he never stop to kick and punch the water ...
The E.A.S.Y routine is always with:
- Wakes ~ 7:30AM
- 1 nap : 1 hour
- 1 nap : 2 hours
- 1 catnap : 30min (we skip that sometimes)
- BT : 8:30pm
With 3 ~ 3.30h wake time.
My biggest problem continue the same : waking at night. Its even worst now waking over 10x per night somedays. I cant even sleep some nights.
I will write some facts about him so maybe someone can help me using the infos:
- I swaddle him in all naps and at night
- He never tried a pacifier
- He eat 2x during night (1AM, 5.30AM)
- I am using PU/PD with shuu pah, but when he wakes during the night he does not accept that and I need to hold him.
- He kicks so hard when sleeping and wake because of that. It always happens the first time at 35min. If I hold his legs in that time he does not wakes! So I´m doing that everday. Is there any technique to prevent that?
Any idea/suggestion/help ?
Sorry about so many questions