Hi there
My 2.5 year old DD has always been a pretty good sleeper. Currently wakes for the day at 6 am, bedtime is 6.30 pm, nap for around 1.5 hours at 1 or 1.30 pm.
However lately she has said she doesn't want her nap (she still has a decent sleep though even though she protests). Bedtime settling is taking longer some nights (30-60 minutes of talking to her dollies in the dark etc). And sometimes early morning wakings (5/5.30am) but sometimes this is due to her baby brother waking early (urgh).
I can't find an article on here about 1>0 or dropping the nap... there is a support forum but it seems a bit dead? Anyway what are the clear signs that I should be looking for, for nap-dropping? Overall would prefer her to have a better night time sleep. Nothing too alarming is going on but I am just aware she is getting to that age where they start to drop the nap and I'd like to ensure I'm doing the best for her
Obviously not for me, I love that nap, especially since it now pretty much syncs with Mr 6mo's nap