I recently posted to the night waking and breastfeeding forums. I deleted the NW question because of its similarity to my breastfeeding post. I really appreciate the thoughtful responses, I'm simply feeling confused and would appreciate eyes on my EASY. One kind mama suggested that our little one might be feeding too frequently and snacking, and another kind mama suggested we might have his feedings spaced too far. Our son is 6.5 months old, EBF and recently started solids. Would you recommend any changes?
A typical day goes as follows:
E 7am Nurse
E 9am Solids + Nurse (we tried an earlier time for solids and he wasn't yet hungry. I offer him the breast after his solids. I used to nurse him around this time at the 3:2 transition and continued to offer because it seems solids are supposed to be in addition to milk and not in place of at his age?)
S 10 - 11:30am
E 11:30am Nurse
E 1:30pm Solids + Nurse
S 2:30 - 4pm
E 4pm Nurse
E 6:30pm Nurse until drowsy
S 7pm/7:30