So we made it through the 4 month sleep regression but my DD still wakes up quite a lot at night. It's only momentary, her dummy gets her straight back to sleep, but she wakes 1-2 times in the evening (between bed time and DF) and then 2-5 times during the night until around 5.30/6 when she starts waking a lot more frequently but will settle back to sleep on and off until we get up at 7
This is what her current routine looks like:
7am - awake
7.30 - BF
9am - sleep
9.30am - awake
10.30/11 - BF
12pm - sleep
2pm - awake
2.30pm - BF
4.30pm - catnap
5pm - awake and BF
6.30pm - bath
7pm - BF until she falls asleep (between 7.30 and 8pm)
10.30pm - BF DF
Sometimes she wakes up when I put her in her crib after her 7pm feed but she falls sleep again writhing a minute or two. With her naps she's really good at falling asleep quickly, 5 minutes is a really long time for her! I'm usually lying next to her (she's in a bedside crib, and I have M.E so I have to rest/sleep when she does) and she has a dummy and sometimes white noise if she's resisting a bit..
Once she's down in the evening she'll wake up crying between 9 and 9.30, sometimes earlier, and occasionally again before her 10.30 DF.. Then sometimes in the night she goes until 4.30/5 before she wakes, but other times it can be as early as 2am! She hasn't had a night feed for weeks now and because there's no specific time I don't think it's habitual waking?
She was having feeds 4hrly but I'd read that BM changes around now and is less fatty so babies might wake more at night from hunger so I added an extra feed in the day and this seemed to reduce the waking a bit but not much! I'm at a loss as to how to stop her waking! Is it normal? If it is then I'll just get on with it! I'm a FTM so have no idea! She only cries out, she doesn't actually get properly upset but maybe that's because I put her dummy in so quickly? I'm thinking about pushing her for an extra 15 mins awake time before her first nap and then pushing everything else on to accommodate (trying this today), but wondering if anyone has any ideas?
Thank you!