Author Topic: 5am Nightwaking  (Read 1255 times)

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Offline Vally

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5am Nightwaking
« on: October 25, 2016, 07:59:11 am »
My LO is nearly 10 weeks. Every night he goes to bed around 630/7pm. He generally wakes at 12 and 3am for feeds. Last night the 3am feed was actually 4am which I think was because he had 5oz at 12 instead of his usual 4oz. He then wakes around 5am every morning regardless of his last feed. Now I know you could think that's becAuse he's ready for the day and had enough sleep but when we bring him into bed after 15 mins with his Paci he is back to sleep often until8am. Why does he keep waking at 5am? Have I created a habit by bringing him into bed?

Offline FPT23

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Re: 5am Nightwaking
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2016, 03:36:25 am »
Hello :)

Many hugs as this can be a very tough time.

TBH, the 5am WU at this time is very common and developmental. At this age you cannot really create habits so I would continue bringing him to bed or do whatever possible to get him back to sleep. I went through it myself again a few months ago, and I would simply bring him to bed and latch him on or turn on the swing and get him in! Survival mode ;) ...this never became a habit and he soon slept through the 5am.

He's very little so this is all just normal and developmental. No matter what, chances are they will continue as he adjusts his nights in a few more weeks. Then there's more disruption coming your way again ;) the joys of the first year ::) haha!

Hang in there mom. In the mean time make sure there isn't any noises or outside light that can be causing an EW. Give him sometime to adjust. He's so tiny still xo