Hi, I new to the forum although I used EASY with my now 3 year old little boy who is the most amazing sleeper. The routine worked so well for us that even though he was ebf, he slept 7-7 from about 12 weeks. Of course I'd like to recreate the same success with my newborn (4weeks), but it isn't so easy(!) with a toddler to fit around. Below is the schedule I'd like to try, but I can't work out how to make the evening work (on the schedule I'd be feeding at 6 and at 7. at the moment she feeds about every 3hrs, sometimes with some cluster feeding in the evening and is ebf. I don't really want to wait till 8 to put her down otherwise I have to eat my dinner whilst holding her each night (and she wants to go to sleep by this point anyway). Any advice/ tweaks before I start trying this routine in a more formal way. (I haven't put the Activity times on unless there is something specific I want to do)
E 7.00 - Change nappy, dress, 1st feed
S 8.30 - Car seat, nursery drop off at 9
E 10.00 - Change nappy, 2nd feed
S 11.30 - Crib
E 1.00 - Change nappy, 3rd feed
S 2.30 - Car seat, nursery pick up at 3
E 4.00 - Change nappy, 4th feed
S 5.00 - toddler dinner
E 6.00 - Change nappy, 5th feed
A 6.15 - naked time upstairs whilst bath runs
A 6.30 - bath, ready for bed
S 6.30 - Stories with toddler
E 7.00 - Change nappy, 6th feed - Toddler bedtime
S 7.30 - adults dinner
E 10.00 dream feed
Night feed between 2-4