I remember someone recommending to me here another approach where you keep moving the BT by 30m every day (I think) until LO's WU eventually shifts
Likely it was me
Yes mine would just lose the 15 min or 30 min sleep if he went to bed later and WU at the same time in the morning (very strong body clock for WU) so over a week or two would lose a lot of sleep and be a real grouch, plus then OT NWs.
I did move him faster and further than the 1hr. I expected OT NWs but this way forced his body clock to change rather than just losing out on sleep.
Move either 15 or 30 min every day - move EVERYTHING, every snack and meal, bath time, everything all these routine things help him to know where he is in the day, when you move them all the same amount it helps to establish the new time.
Keep going until you hit the 1hr change and then keep going after that. Several days in the morning WU should change, you will have an OT kid but once that WU changes you can start to ease back on the "extra" time you have added into the routine.
Keep a record of the times so that everything can move one way rapidly and then move back slowly.
I planned on moving to 2hrs rather than 1 with mine but I think his WU time shifted when we reached 1.5hrs so I held there a couple of days to establish the new WU time. Then slowly brought things back to place. 5 or 10 min earlier (or 15 you can try) for everything including meals and BT one night, next day IF WU time is still okay then move another 5-10 mins.
The whole thing shouldn't take more than say 1 week.
Mine is 5.5yo now and we just went through clock change. This year I shifted 30 min the day before the change and another 30 on the day of the change. He is older, understands more and knows what to expect but even so he is still waking early after nearly a week (he knows he has to wait until getting up time so that helps me but for him he just tries to relax and go to sleep but doesn't). If he had his choice he'd go to bed earlier but I can't let him.