Author Topic: 2 1/2 week old not sleeping at night  (Read 1311 times)

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Offline mamatea4

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2 1/2 week old not sleeping at night
« on: October 19, 2016, 13:46:15 pm »
Hi all,

This is my third baby. I've used the BW techniques since DD1, but it's been over 4 years since I've had a newborn and it's crazy what you forget!

So my baby naps well in her bassinet. Since she doesn't nurse as well as I'd like due to being so sleepy, I've been feeding her every 2 1/2 hours. As a result her naps are only about 1 1/2 hours at a stretch. I make sure she's not OT and she's been doing well overall with falling asleep on her own during the day.

Night times are a whole different story. Sometimes she'll sleep from 7:30-9:30pm in her bassinet before waking. Other times she'll sleep from 10pm-1am in her bassinet. But never consistent times; never more than 2-3 hour stretch; and when I do feed her at night it'll take 2 hours of switch feeding (I don't engage or turn on bright lights) and even after that she won't go back in her bassinet. She will sometimes sleep after that 2 hour feeding if she's on me in a "kangaroo tube", but not always.

I'm not sure what I'm missing as to why she's not sleeping well at night and why it takes her 2+ hours to nurse at night.

Any suggestions??!!

Thanks so much!!!

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: 2 1/2 week old not sleeping at night
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2016, 15:27:04 pm »
Hi congratulations on your new LO  :)

I don't think you're missing anything or doing anything wrong. Many newborns are unsettled at night and a 2-3 hour stretch at night for a BF baby is perfectly normal.

Just carry on as you are, which is probably not what you wanted to hear sorry!  :)

Offline mamatea4

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Re: 2 1/2 week old not sleeping at night
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2016, 16:30:16 pm »
Thanks for the feedback.

Is it considered normal for a newborn to ONLY sleep a 2-3 hour stretch at night and be unsettled the rest of the night though and to take 2+ hours to feed at night?

Maybe she's just taking an extra long time to get her days and nights worked out although I'm working diligently on that?

Offline FPT23

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Re: 2 1/2 week old not sleeping at night
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2016, 00:18:31 am »
Hi there :)
Congratulations on the new addition! :D

It is crazy what you forget right? ::) ....DS2 is 4.5 years apart from DS1 and I forgot a lot of it too ;) hang in there mama. It'll come back to ya.

I do agree with all the other suggestions above hun. Babies at this age, especially BF babies, wake every 2 hours for a feed. So when you say she wakes at 9:30 from 7:30 pm bt, that's very normal. She is so tiny hun. Give her time to adjust. Chances are, with her 2 other siblings, her routine and sleep will be a bit all over the place too.

I would like to mention that being so little, she needs time to learn her day from her nights. They have their clocks reversed usually. You can try helping now by waking more or less at the same time each day, keeping it nice and bright, talking to her the little times she's awake and even when she's falling asleep. Night time you can dim lights, help her unwind and in a few weeks even develop some sort of BT routine to help.

As far as why it takes her so much to nurse at nights, I think with breast feeding and my experience, they really don't become pros until 8-10 weeks. And even then it's always something new to adjust and fix. I believe it's possible that she is still working on her skills hun. The first 2 weeks are always the hardest for BFing so give her time. It is also very possible she is also just wanting to sleep with mom. She enjoys your warmth, and comfort... know what I mean? Don't worry too much about "props" either. She is way to little to develop them as well. The thing is, their clocks are just reversed and they want to be up at nights. Totally normal and a phase!

The best thing you can do is try your best to get her to sleep! Use the breast! I sure did and it was never a prop! I still use them as a secret weapon haha ;) ...I also resorted to swings and sometimes just letting him fall asleep on my breasts.

Don't expect longer stretches of sleep until closer to 3 months or so. 0-3 months they work on nights and 3-6 it's the nap struggle ;) ...hang in there hun and I would work really closely with her latch just in case :) but also, taking so long to nurse is normal at first. Just keep track of her stools and wet diapers.

This is all SUPER normal. She won't get her days and nights working better until a few more weeks, hun. I know it seems like forever but she will in time. They just think nights is their days. Just do what you need to to surviveeeeee haha ;) ...use all the tools! I used white noise swaddle paci breast feeding swings...! And by 4.5/5 months he started sleeping independently, 10-11 hr nights and naps got longer. It was all about gently helping him one thing at a time. Using each less and less. I know how extremely it is. How hard it can be and seem like an eternity!! ...but give her time. I juuuuust went through it a few months ago myself. Hang in there!

Many hugs!
« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 00:25:27 am by FPT23 »

Offline mamatea4

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Re: 2 1/2 week old not sleeping at night
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2016, 19:01:25 pm »
Thank you FTP23!

I appreciate the kind words and reminders.  :)

I agree that my lo is recalibrating her days and nights, and I'm doing all the things recommended to help her achieve that goal as quickly as possible. I just needed a reminder and reassurance that her reason for not sleeping at night is associated to this and not something else.

As far as BF, her latch is so good, but of course, at night it's tougher since the lights are so dim. I think I need a better night light, lol. And maybe it's also just her needing that extra comfort since she doesn't want to sleep.

I will try to just relish the bonding time with her and knowing that she just wants to sleep with mama....while still hoping it corrects within this "4th trimester" without too much issue.

Taking care of 3 littles and homeschooling requires this mama to get some sleep soon!  ;)

Offline FPT23

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Re: 2 1/2 week old not sleeping at night
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2016, 21:44:13 pm »
Your very welcome!

I know how quickly we need that "4th trimester" to pass with all its challenges and especially with older siblings around. Super stressful! I wonder how we do it all sometimes! ;)

Your doing great and there is nothing your not doing. It's all very normal... it's been awhile, I know we forget ;) !! Give her some time. I def believe she just wants your comfort so use that to your advantage for now!
