Ah well not every night is the same
haha! Some days they might be more tired than others even if you have the perfect A times- a lot has to do with just that; new found mobility. It's new for them and it's like their exercise, yk? So they get tired quicker- some days more than others.
I'm glad you established the NWs to teething. I had the same issue recently. He's an angel baby and I can't remember the last time (until recently) that he had NWs or given much of any problems at all...but then for 3 nights he was waking at 4am-- then I spotted the little teeth haha! I tell you, they play a roll! Do keep in mind as I mentioned before, a lot of it really is developmental. Not all nights will remain the same. Something always pops up. Especially with all the new stuff happening
Congrats on the new milestones though!
super cool.
As far as her weight goes... I think we talked about this?? Or not haha I can't remember... but I had told you to make sure she was getting enough in her day if she was now NFing anymore, but you mentioned your supply was good? ....well I'm not a dr right, not a lactation consultant/nurse... but I do nurse myself and it is something I've always told BFing moms here on the forum with NWs or moms that don't want to NF anymore or whatever the case is. That causing drops in supply and the longer the naps in the day and longer A times, supply goes down too. AND adding solids also kinda gets in the way. I mean, as long as she's thriving and happy.. which she seems to be with all her new milestones.. I guess I wouldn't worry UNLESS your dr said there was a problem? But maybe try adding some pumping sessions to up your supply and if she has a NW and doesn't resettle, at this point I would nurse.. and nurse on demand for that matter.
But mom knows best. Go with ur maternal instinct. It's always what's best