Oh my, 3-4am Wu is really hard. Could she be teething? There are some molars around 2-2.5 that sometimes disrupt sleep.
There is sometimes a bit of a developmental leap around half birthdays, so it could be that..but for me the birthday and half birthday leaps have also coincided with a need for a routine change. I wonder whether she needs to start the 1-0 transition? I know you said you tried with no nap to no avail, but I'm wondering how long youbtried for. It can take a while for a routine change to take effect.
Have you considered trying a later nap to start with? Sometimes EW is because nap is too early or too long. I think I'd try pushing the nap later and possibly shorter too e.g. Gradually start 15mins later but still wake at the same time and see if that helps.
Alternatively some LOs can drop the nap cold turkey and just do earlier BT to compensate.
Here's a link to read and consider your options. It's a v tricky transition and no "right" answer just different options for different babies.
The 1-0 transition...Advice and Tips to help you through.