Hi there!
DD falls asleep independently, only given a paci. I had always thought that the reason why she wakes up almost everytime after 40-45 min is the fact that paci falls out. But recently I've noticed that she wakes up no matter if paci is in or out on this 45min. When she wakes up she is usually happy, smiling and ready for A time, but it is extremely difficult to stick to any rational routine as she is usually unable to make A time for more than 1hr 15min. I have a feeling like I tried everything from W2S, through shh/pat for the last 2 months, but it looks like she is too rested to go back to sleep. Sometimes when I do shh/pat she seems to sleep again, I continue shh/pat for 10 min after she seems to be in a deep sleep, but everytime I leave-she wakes up after 2-3 min.
I get really frustrated, because EVERY nap looks like this, even if we take stroller she wakes up after 45 min, looking around for about 30 min and only then goes back to sleep for as long as I allow her to...
Our usual routine:
S -9-10am
S- 11:30am-1:30/2pm (with a nap break)
S-3:30-4:30/5 (45min nap than trying to put her back to sleep for 30min)
NF - anytime between 3-6am
I would appreciate any "repair plan"...isn't she "big" enough to have longer naps?
I suppose she should be switching to 4fr schedule, but it looks impossible for now...
Thank You in advance!