Re pu/pd: -are you starting to settle for nap at 9? I think I'd try starting WD and settling for nap (pu/pd) at the tired signs at 8.40 to be asleep for 9. As pp says 2hrs is low end of average for age but some LOs prefer a shorter first A time so asleep by 9 with 7 Wu might be right for her.
If you only get a short nap I'd only try to resettle for 10-20 mins. In my experience if they've not gone back to sleep by then they're probably not going to do it's less frustrating for everyone just to accept a short nap. My DS only ever took a short nap as first nap but would do a longer 2nd nap. If you only get a short first nap, maybe aim for 2nd around 12 buy starting settling around 11.40/45
Other thing to try with going to sleep if previously fed to sleep is some sort of comforter for LO to suck on. Especially if it can smell like you. I used to keep a muslin in my bra for a couple of hrs and give to mineat nap and BT.
To extend nap you could also try wake to sleep instead of pu/PD. Sometimes it's easier to extend nap if you catch them before they fully wake.
How do I address habitual wakings? (wake-to-sleep and other methods)Good luck